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1. **祭品和香烛:** 在祭祀台或供桌上摆放父母喜爱的食物、水果、茶、酒等作为祭品。点燃香烛,并在特定的时间向他们致敬和祈祷。

2. **祈祷和诵经:** 可以诵读经文、经书或是传统的祈祷文,表达对已故父母的思念和祝福。这可以在家中的祭祀台上进行,也可以在寺庙或教堂里进行。

3. **清理墓地:** 定期前往父母的墓地,清理和整理墓地周围的环境,给予父母一个干净整洁的安息之地。

4. **献花和祭拜:** 在特定的纪念日或节日,前往父母的墓地献上鲜花,并进行祭拜和祷告,表达对他们的敬意和思念之情。

5. **捐赠和慈善:** 以父母的名义进行捐赠或参与慈善活动,帮助需要帮助的人群,这也是一种善行,可以代表对父母的孝顺和回报。



Consecrate is deceased the expressive means that parents is a kind of tradition and culture belief. You can choose the following kinds of means to come consecrate is deceased parents:

1.** oblation and joss sticks and candles: The food that ** puts parents to love on sacred stage or altar, fruit, tea, wine as oblation. Ignite joss sticks and candles, greet to them in specific time and pray.

2.** prays and Song classics: ** is OK chant lection, Confusion classics or the pray prayer that are a tradition, convey the longing of pair of deceased parents and blessing. This can be in the home undertake on medium sacred stage, also can undertake in cloister or cathedral.

3.** clears graveyard: ** heads for parental graveyard regularly, clear and arrange the environment all round graveyard, give parents a clean and neat ground that rest.

4.** displays flower and hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to: ** is in specific fete or festival, the graveyard that heads for parents is displayed on flower, hand-in-hand travel hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to and devotional, express the feeling of the devoir to them and longing.

5.** donates and beneficent: ** undertakes donative with parental name or participate in beneficent activity, the help needs the crowd of the help, this also is a kind beneficent, what can represent pair of parents is filial with redound.

No matter choose why to be planted means, should be to deliver the sincerity from the heart and tribute, such ability best express the yearning of pair of deceased parents and respect.
