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1. **净化**: 在供奉之前,先将水晶貔貅放在流水下冲洗或者在清水中浸泡一段时间,以去除可能的负能量或附着物。

2. **供奉位置**: 将水晶貔貅放置在离自己较近的地方,比如办公桌、家中的财位、收纳盒里等地方,以便它能够发挥其招财辟邪的作用。

3. **供奉品**: 在水晶貔貅周围摆放一些象征财富和吉祥的物品,比如金银铜钱、宝石、红绳等,以增强其招财效果。

4. **定期清洁**: 定期清洁水晶貔貅,保持其光洁,有助于保持其正能量和功能。

5. **诚心祈祷**: 在供奉水晶貔貅时,诚心祈祷,表达自己的心愿和祈求,以期得到保佑和庇佑。



Crystal as mythical wild animal is one kind is thought to have money of exorcise evil spirits, action and the treasure that protect restful effect, it needs consecrate certain ceremony and method. It is the common method that crystal of a few consecrate as mythical wild animal below:

1.** purifies ** : Before consecrate, a mythical wild animal crystal first put in running water to fall to rinse or immerse for some time in clear water, with the negative energy with likely purify or attachment.

2.** of ** consecrate position: A mythical wild animal crystal place in closer from oneself place, the money with desk, for instance medium home, receive the and other places in the box square, so that it can develop its,provoke the action of money exorcise evil spirits.

3.** consecrate tastes ** : A mythical wild animal in crystal all round the goods that puts He Jixiang of a few indicative fortune, for instance bullion copper cash, lapidary, red rope, enrol wealth effect in order to enhance its.

4.** of ** fixed cleanness: Fixed and clean crystal as mythical wild animal, maintain its bright and clean, conduce to maintain its energy and function.

5.** sincere desire prays ** : When consecrate crystal as mythical wild animal, sincere desire prays, the cherished desire that expresses oneself and invocatory, with period get bless and blessing.

Remember please, consecrate crystal as mythical wild animal is the behavior on a kind of belief and heart, the sincere desire that important is you and devotional.
