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1. **佛像的摆放位置**:通常佛像应该放置在房间的最高处,代表尊崇和崇高。最好避免将佛像放置在厕所、厨房等不洁净的地方。

2. **佛像的选取**:选择一个造型美观、神态安详的佛像,可以是释迦牟尼佛、观音菩萨或者其他佛教神明。如果条件允许,可以选择质地优良的铜制佛像。

3. **供桌的摆放**:在佛像前摆放供桌,上面可以摆放香炉、供花、供果等供品。供桌的设计应简洁大方,避免过于华丽的装饰。

4. **装饰品的选择**:可以选择一些与佛教相关的装饰品,如经书、唐卡、佛珠等,但不要过于繁杂,以避免分散注意力。

5. **灯光的设计**:在佛像周围设置柔和的灯光,营造安静、祥和的氛围,可以增强虔诚心。

6. **墙壁颜色**:墙壁可以选择柔和的颜色,如米白色、淡黄色等,以增加整体的温馨感和宁静感。

7. **布置环境**:在供奉佛的房间里营造一个宁静的环境,可以播放悠扬的佛乐或者自然声音,有助于冥想和静心。



Of building consecrate Buddha decorate can undertake designing according to individual be fond of and belief. Normally the circumstance falls, people can choose elegant to decorate a style compactly, in order to respect the figure of Buddha and spirit. It is a few proposals below:

1.Of ** figure of Buddha put positional ** : Normally figure of Buddha should set the highest office that is in a room, delegate homage and great. Had better avoid to place figure of Buddha not clean place waits in toilet, kitchen.

2.Of ** figure of Buddha choose ** : Choose a model the figure of Buddha with beautiful, unruffled bearing, can be Bodhisattva of Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara other perhaps and Buddhist deities. If the condition allows, can choose the copper with good quality of a material to make figure of Buddha.

3.Of ** altar put ** : Credence is put before figure of Buddha, censer can be put above, for the flower, for waiting for offerings if really. The design of altar should concise and easy, avoid too luxuriant adornment.

4.The choice ** of ** adornment: Can choose a few adornment related to buddhism, wait like Confusion classics, Tang Ka, Buddha bead, but not too multifarious, in order to avoid dispersive attention.

5.The design ** of ** lamplight: In the setting is downy lamplight all round figure of Buddha, build quiet, auspicious atmosphere, can enhance devotional heart.

6.** of ** wall color: Wall can choose subdued color, if Mi Bai is lubricious, flaxen,wait, in order to add sweet feeling of whole and halcyon touch.

7.** decorates environmental ** : A halcyon environment is built in the room of consecrate Buddha, can broadcast rising and falling Buddha cheerful natural perhaps voice, conduce to contemplative He Jingxin.

As a whole, decorate the room of consecrate Buddha to answer with concise, elegant, halcyon give priority to, respect Buddhist tradition and spirit, the calm that lets people amid feel a heart and quiet.
