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1. **准备供品**:准备一些供品,如水果、糖果、酒水等。这些供品代表着对财神的尊敬和祝福。

2. **选择时间和地点**:选择一个安静祥和的时间和地点进行拜神。最好是在清晨或傍晚,选择一个整洁干净的地方,以示诚意。

3. **摆放财神像或画像**:在拜神的地方摆放一尊财神像或者财神画像,以便祭拜。

4. **烧香祈祷**:点燃香烛,向财神献上诚挚的祈祷,表达自己的愿望和对财富的渴望。可以说出口的祈祷词如“财神爷保佑,财运亨通”。

5. **献上供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在财神像前,表示对财神的尊敬和感激。

6. **虔诚祈求**:在心中默默地祈求财神保佑自己和家人财运亨通,事业顺利,财富滚滚而来。

7. **闭目静心**:在祈祷完成后,闭目静心,感受财神的祝福和庇佑,保持心中的平静和善良。

8. **敬香谢恩**:祈祷结束后,可以敬香谢恩,感谢财神的庇佑和保佑,表示自己的诚心和虔诚。



The magic power that do obeisance to money often needs the following measure:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Plan a few offerings, wait like water of fruit, candied, wine. These offerings are representing the respect to mammon and blessing.

2.** chooses time and place ** : Choose a quiet and auspicious time and place to undertake doing obeisance to a god. Had better be in early morning or dusk, choose a shipshape place, in order to show good faith.

3.** puts money God or picture ** : The place that doing obeisance to a god puts God of one honour money or mammon picture, so that hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to.

4.** burn joss sticks prays ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, display to mammon on cordial prayer, convey oneself desire and the longing to fortune. Can speak a mouth pray the word if " mammon father is blessed, money carry be prosperous " .

5.** displays on offerings ** : Put ready offerings before mammon resembles, respect and appreciate what denote pair of the god of wealth.

6.** petitions piously ** : Silently invocatory mammon blesses oneself and be prosperous of family wealth carry, the career is successful, fortune billow and come.

7.** shuts ** of eye static heart: Praying after finishing, shut eye static heart, the blessing that experiences mammon and bless, maintain the calm in the heart and goodness.

8.** Jing Xiang thanks favour ** : Pray after the end, can respect Xiangxieen, those who thank mammon bless and bless, the sincere desire that expresses oneself and devotional.

Above does obeisance to the common step of mammon namely, hope to be helped somewhat to you.
