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1. **准备香炉**:选择一个香炉或香台,放置在一个清洁、安静的地方。

2. **选购香品**:选择符合自己信仰或喜好的香,如沉香、檀香等。

3. **点燃香火**:将一根或多根香点燃,用火点燃香,然后摇灭火焰,让香烟缓缓飘起。

4. **祷告或默念**:在供奉香火的过程中,可以默念祷告、念经或表达心中的愿望。

5. **供奉祭品**:根据个人或宗教传统,可以在供奉香火的同时,献上水果、鲜花、食品等祭品。

6. **心诚敬虔**:无论是在家中还是寺庙里,供奉香火都要心存敬畏和虔诚。

7. **清理残余**:等到香烟完全燃尽后,将残余的香灰清理干净,保持供奉场所的清洁。



Consecrate burning incense is to point to normally in ritual or individual belief, display to deities or ancestor on burning incense. Particular way can include:

1.** prepares censer ** : Choose a censer or sweet station, place clean, quiet in place.

2.** choose and buy is sweet taste ** : Those who choose to accord with him belief or be fond of is sweet, wait like agalloch eaglewood, the pride of China.

3.** ignites burning incense ** : Will one root or much root are sweet ignite, ignite with fire sweet, shake next blaze of put out a fire, allow incense smoke slowly hike up.

4.** prayer or silent read aloud ** : In the process of consecrate burning incense, silent reads aloud devotional, recite scriptures or can express the desire in the heart.

5.** of ** consecrate oblation: According to individual or religious tradition, can be in consecrate burning incense while, display on the oblation such as fruit, flower, food.

6.** heart ** of sincere Jing Qian: No matter be,cloister still is in the home in, consecrate burning incense wants a heart to put awe-stricken and devotional.

7.** clears leftover ** : When after cigarette is lighted completely, will leftover sweet ash clears clean, maintain the cleanness of consecrate place.

Consecrate burning incense is a kind of belief and devotional expression, particular way may reach an individual to be used to because of devotional, religion and different, but core depends on sincere desire invocatory and awe-stricken.
