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1. **设立小神龛或供桌:** 在家中选择一个清洁的地方,可以放置一个小神龛或供桌,将菩萨像或图像摆放在上面。

2. **点燃香烛:** 每天或特殊时刻,点燃香烛,表示虔诚地向菩萨祈愿或致敬。

3. **供奉水果和鲜花:** 在供桌上摆放一些水果或鲜花,表示对菩萨的尊敬和供养。

4. **诵经念佛:** 可以在特定的时间,如早晚或特殊节日,诵读菩萨的经文或念诵菩萨的名号,以表达虔诚。

5. **心诚礼拜:** 在供奉菩萨的时候,保持心诚,默念祈愿或表达感恩,向菩萨虔诚顶礼。



Without the god if, consecrate Bodhisattva can carry the following kind:

1.** establishs demigod niche or altar: ** chooses a clean place in the home, can place niche of a demigod or altar, place Bodhisattva resembling or image superpose.

2.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** everyday or special hour, ignite joss sticks and candles, express piously to Bodhisattva invocatory or greeting.

3.** consecrate fruit and flower: ** puts a few fruits or flower on altar, the respect that shows pair of a term applied to a kindhearted person and make offerings to.

4.Pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: ** can be in specific time, be like morning and evening or special red-letter day, the lection of chant Bodhisattva or a number that recite Bodhisattva, in order to convey devotional.

5.** heart sincere chapel: ** is in consecrate Bodhisattva when, maintain a heart sincere, silent reads aloud invocatory or expression is thankful, carry a ceremony on the head piously to Bodhisattva.

Above these means are with the heart sincere make offerings to Bodhisattva, not certain need is magical, but important is to maintain a devotional heart.
