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1. **准备供品**:选择一些食物、鲜花、水果或香烛等作为供品。这些供品可以根据自己的喜好和当地的传统来选择。

2. **清洁仪式**:在供奉之前,先要清洁祭坛或供桌,确保它是干净整洁的。

3. **上香**:点燃香烛,并在祭坛前向神明行三鞠躬礼,然后将香烛插在香炉中。

4. **摆放供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛上,可以按照自己的喜好和习惯进行摆放。

5. **诵读经文**:可以选择诵读一些经文或祈祷文,表达虔诚之意。

6. **祈祷和感恩**:在供奉结束后,可以闭目祈祷,表达自己的愿望或感恩之情。

7. **定期供奉**:根据个人的信仰,可以选择每天、每周或每月进行供奉,保持与神明的联系和感恩之心。



The means of confusianism of consecrate is in the home can be mixed according to the individual's belief the family is traditional and differ somewhat, but include the following measure normally:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Choose a few food, flower, fruit or joss sticks and candles to wait as offerings. These offerings can be mixed according to his be fond of local tradition will choose.

2.** of ** clean ceremony: Before consecrate, want clean altar or altar first, ensure it is clean and neat.

3.On ** sweet ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, be in altar is forward deities goes 3 bow ceremony, insert joss sticks and candles in censer next.

4.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings go up in altar, can undertake putting according to oneself be fond of and habit.

5.** of ** chant lection: Can choose chant a few lection or pray prayer, express sincere desire.

6.** prays and be thankful ** : After consecrate ends, can shut eye to pray, express oneself desire or the feeling that be thankful.

7.** of ** fixed consecrate: According to the individual's belief, can choose everyday, weekly or undertake consecrate every months, maintain the connection with deities and the heart that be thankful.

Above is general confusianism the basic measure of consecrate is in the home, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to the individual's circumstance and belief.
