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1. 供奉像:在家中或寺庙里摆放天王菩萨的像,可以是雕塑、画像或其他形式的艺术作品。供奉时,可以点香、献花、上香等,表示虔诚和尊敬。

2. 念诵经文:可以选择念诵与天王菩萨相关的经文或咒语,如《大悲咒》等,以表达对菩萨的敬仰和祈愿。

3. 祈福祷告:可以向天王菩萨祈求健康、平安、幸福等各种祝福和庇佑,表达自己的心愿和信仰。

4. 行善积德:根据佛教教义,行善积德也是供奉菩萨的重要方式,可以通过布施、持戒、修行等方式来回向天王菩萨,以增进自己的修行功德。



Day king Bodhisattva is one of buddhism serious a term applied to a kindhearted person, consecrate means has a lot of kinds, particular consecrate kind can be mixed according to the individual's belief traditional and consuetudinary will choose. Generally speaking, bodhisattva of consecrate day king can take the following kinds of kind:

1.Consecrate resembling: Be in the home or day king a term applied to a kindhearted person puts in cloister picture, can be the work of art of sculpture, picture or other form. When consecrate, can nod sweet, present a flower, on sweet etc, express to be mixed piously respect.

2.Recite lection: Can choose to recite the lection related to day king Bodhisattva or abracadabra, be like " big Bei cuss " etc, in order to convey pair of Bodhisattva revere and invocatory.

3.Pray blessing is devotional: Can petition to day king Bodhisattva all sorts of blessings such as healthy, restful, happiness and bless, express oneself wish and belief.

4.Accumulate virtue of do good works: According to Buddhist doctrine, accumulate virtue of do good works also is the important way of consecrate Bodhisattva, can pass alms giving, hold the means such as Buddhist monastic discipline, cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine to make a round trip Bodhisattva of Xiang Tian king,

Anyhow, the means of Bodhisattva of consecrate day king is agile and diversiform, important is a heart sincere clever, sincere desire treats consecrate piously, add with respect to what can get a term applied to a kindhearted person hold and bless.
