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1. 供奉佛像:在家中或寺庙内摆放菩萨的佛像,用花香、水果、烛香等供养,表示尊敬和虔诚。
2. 念诵经文:每日诵读菩萨的经文或咒语,如《心经》、《观世音菩萨心咒》等,以祈福和修行。
3. 祈福礼拜:定期前往寺庙或道观,向菩萨供奉香烛,虔诚祈求保佑和指引。
4. 做善事:以菩萨为榜样,行善积德,如布施、行持戒、修福等,以回报菩萨的慈悲。
5. 心诚礼佛:无论在何时何地,都可虔诚地心存感恩,向菩萨表达敬意和祈愿。



Consecrate Bodhisattva can take a variety of kind, include commonly:

1.Consecrate figure of Buddha: Be in the home or the figure of Buddha of Bodhisattva is put inside cloister, with the flower fruit, candle is sweet, sweet etc make offerings to, state respect is mixed devotional.
2.Recite lection: The lection of daily chant Bodhisattva or abracadabra, be like " heart classics " , " cuss of heart of Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva " etc, with pray blessing and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.
3.Pray blessing chapel: Head for cloister or path view regularly, to Bodhisattva consecrate joss sticks and candles, petition piously bless and how-to.
4.Do thing of be apt to: It is example with Bodhisattva, accumulate virtue of do good works, if alms giving, travel holds Buddhist monastic discipline, long blessing to wait, with the mercy of redound Bodhisattva.
5.Heart sincere ceremony Buddha: No matter be in when He De, sincere the earth's core puts Dou Keqian be thankful, to Bodhisattva expressive devoir is mixed invocatory.

These means are the familiar pattern of consecrate Bodhisattva, but the most important is a heart sincere.
