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1. **牌位供奉**:
- 将牌位放在供桌或神龛上,位置通常是高于其他物品的中心位置。
- 在供奉时,可以燃香、点蜡烛或献上食品、水果等作为供品。
- 每日或每逢特定节日,可以进行祭拜仪式,向祖先祈福。

2. **遗像供奉**:
- 将遗像放在特定位置,如家庭的神龛、供桌或者专门的祭坛上。
- 遗像供奉时可以燃香、点蜡烛,并摆放供品,向逝去的亲人表示敬意和怀念。
- 定期进行祭祀仪式,向逝去的亲人祈福,保持家族或个人的传统。



The means of memorial tablet and consecrate of portrait of the deceased is mixed because of district traditional and differ somewhat, it is general and familiar consecrate pattern below:

1.** of consecrate of ** memorial tablet:
- put memorial tablet on altar or shrine, the position is prep above normally the central position of other goods.
- when consecrate, can light sweet, dot the candle or display on food, fruit as offerings.
- daily or whenever specific festival, can undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony, to ancestral pray blessing.

2.** of consecrate of ** portrait of the deceased:
- put the portrait of the deceased in specific place, on the altar with the shrine that is like a family, special perhaps altar.
- candle of sweet, dot can be burned when consecrate of portrait of the deceased, put offerings, express devoir and yearning to parting family member.
- undertake sacred ceremony regularly, to blessing of parting family member pray, preserve the tradition of housekeeping a group of things with common features or individual.

No matter be memorial tablet or consecrate of portrait of the deceased, the most important is heart sincerity true, convey the esteem of pair of parting family members and longing.
