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Consecrate the Dragon King needs certain ceremony and method. Above all, you need the place of a special consecrate the Dragon King, can be altar of a diminutive or altar. Next, you can plan a few offerings, wait like fruit, candied, flower, joss sticks and candles. Next, you can be in everyday specific time, be like a morning or in the evening, pray to the Dragon King and display on offerings, the respect that expresses you and invocatory. In the meantime, you also can be in the specific date of every month, be like the traditional Chinese calendar first one or 15, hold special sacred ceremony, be respected in order to show and be thankful. In the process of consecrate the Dragon King, want earnestly and sincerely, the heart is put awe-stricken with the heart that be thankful, believe the Dragon King can give you are blessed and bless.
