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1. 供奉于神龛或祭坛的物品:可以将这些物品从神龛或祭坛上取下,然后根据宗教或传统习俗,进行特定的处理。例如,有些人会将其放置于河流中漂流,有些人会在自然环境中埋掉,而有些人则会将其火化。

2. 食物供奉:如果是食物供奉,可以选择将其捐赠给需要的人或机构,比如教堂、寺庙、慈善组织等。确保所捐赠的食物符合食用安全标准,并尊重接受方的接受方式和规定。

3. 祭祀用品:如烛台、香炉等祭祀用品,可以选择用清水彻底清洗干净,然后放置在适当的地方,或者送给有需要的人。



The thing of consecrate can send through the following kinds of means normally:

1.Consecrate the article at shrine or altar: Can get off these article from shrine or altar, next according to religion or tradition consuetudinary, undertake specific processing. For example, some people can put his the float in park river, some people can be buried in environment, and some people can cremate his.

2.Food consecrate: If be food consecrate, can choose to donate its the person of need or orgnaization, for instance cathedral, cloister, charity is organized etc. Ensure presents food accords with edible safety standard, respect accept square acceptance means and regulation.

3.Sacred things: Wait for sacred things like candlestick, censer, can choose to be cleaned clean thoroughly with clear water, place next in proper place, perhaps give the person that has need.

No matter choose which kinds of way, what ought to respect place is consuetudinary with culture, and the belief of individual or organization and apiration.
