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1. 地点选择:选择一个合适的地点来供奉神像,通常应该是一个安静、清净的地方,以便信徒前来祭拜和冥想。

2. 神像尺寸:根据供奉的场所和神像的重要性来确定神像的尺寸,确保它既能够引起信徒的敬畏之情,又不会显得过于庞大或不合适。

3. 装饰和陈设:根据神像的特点和信仰传统,进行适当的装饰和陈设,比如使用鲜花、烛台、香炉等配件,营造出庄严肃穆的氛围。

4. 周围环境:确保神像周围的环境整洁,避免杂物堆积或者过于喧闹的场景,以免影响信徒的心灵体验。

5. 氛围营造:通过音乐、照明等手段营造出恰当的氛围,帮助信徒专注于祈祷和冥想。

6. 维护和保养:定期清洁和保养神像,确保其保持庄严和美观,同时也是对神灵的尊敬和敬畏之情的表达。

7. 礼仪指导:提供给信徒适当的礼仪指导,帮助他们正确地进行祭拜和祈祷,以尊重神灵并获得心灵上的慰藉。



The program of consecrate God needs to consider the following aspects:

1.The ground chooses an option: Choose a proper place to come consecrate God, should be a quiet, kosher place normally, so that believer comes round,hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to and contemplative.

2.God dimension: Will determine the size of God according to the importance of the place of consecrate and God, ensure it can arouse the awe-stricken passion of believer already, won't appear too giant or improper again.

3.Adornment and display: According to the characteristic of God and devotional tradition, have proper adornment and display, use a replacement such as flower, candlestick, censer for instance, build a majestic and solemn and respectful atmosphere.

4.Surroundings: Ensure the environment all round God is neat, avoid sundry the setting with too Bacchic perhaps accumulation, lest affect the interior experience of believer.

5.Atmosphere builds: Build an appropriate atmosphere through the method such as music, illume, pray of dedicated Yu Qi mixes help believer contemplative.

6.Safeguard and maintain: Fixed cleanness and protect repose to resemble, ensure its keep majestic and beautiful, also be the expression of the respect to deities and awe-stricken affection at the same time.

7.Formal and directive: Provide the formal guidance with proper believer, help them undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to correctly and pray, in order to respect the solace that deities obtains the heart to go up.

Above is the main point that consecrate God plans, can undertake according to particular case proper adjustment is mixed perfect.
