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1. **清洁整齐**:确保供桌或供台清洁整齐,不要有杂物或者灰尘。这表达了对菩萨的尊重。

2. **摆放顺序**:根据传统,水果通常按照大小、颜色或形状摆放。一般来说,大的水果如苹果、橙子放在中间,小的水果如葡萄、草莓放在周围。

3. **摆放高度**:将水果摆放在供桌的中央或者最显眼的位置,以示尊敬。如果供桌有多层,可以将水果放在最上层。

4. **鲜活整齐**:选择新鲜的水果,并确保它们没有坏掉或者腐烂。整齐地摆放水果,不要摆放破碎或不完整的水果。

5. **敬意尊重**:在摆放水果时,心存敬意,表达对菩萨的虔诚之心。


When consecrate Bodhisattva fruit, want to notice the following sets pattern normally:

1.** cleanness is orderly ** : Ensure altar or the cleanness that offer a desk is orderly, do not have sundry or dirt. This expressed the respect to Bodhisattva.

2.** puts ordinal ** : The ground is traditional, the fruit is put according to size, color or appearance normally. Generally speaking, big fruit puts an inter like apple, orange, small fruit is put in like grape, strawberry all round.

3.** puts high ** : Put the fruit the most conspicuous perhaps position in the center of in altar, in order to show respect. If altar has multilayer, can put the fruit uppermost layer.

4.** is fresh and orderly ** : Choose fresh fruit, ensure they are done not have broken cankered perhaps. Put a fruit trimly, do not put broken or half-baked fruit.

5.** devoir respects ** : When putting a fruit, the heart retains respect, convey the devotional heart to Bodhisattva.
