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1. **清洁和整理**:确保神像所在的区域保持清洁整洁,这显示了对神灵的尊重和关怀。

2. **定期祭拜**:定期给神像献上香、花、水果或其他供品,表达对神明的崇敬和感激之情。

3. **献上祷告和祈祷**:在供奉神像时,可以诚心祈祷或献上自己的祷告,表达对神明的敬意和请求。

4. **布置祭坛**:在家中设立一个专门的祭坛,供奉神像,并配以烛台、鲜花或其他装饰,营造出神圣的氛围。

5. **参与宗教仪式**:定期参加教会或寺庙举行的宗教仪式,也是供奉神像的一种重要方式。



Consecrate God is a kind of expression is mixed piously the means of devoir, and best method is met because of the person different, because every family has its distinctive culture and tradition. It is the method of a few common consecrate God below:

1.** cleanness and arrange ** : The area that ensures God is in keeps clean and neat, this showed the esteem to deities and consideration.

2.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : Display to God regularly on sweet, flower, fruit or other offerings, express the feeling that esteem and appreciates to deities.

3.** displays on prayer and pray ** : When consecrate God, can pray in earnest or display on oneself prayer, convey the devoir to deities and request.

4.** decorates altar ** : A special altar is established in the home, consecrate God, match with candlestick, flower or other adornment, build a divine atmosphere.

5.** participates in ritual ** : Attend the ritual that church or cloister hold regularly, also be a kind of of consecrate God important way.

The most important is, consecrate God should be inner sincerity and awe-stricken expression, is not formal tie. Accordingly, the choice fits the pattern of own family most, hold to with sincere piously worship, it is best consecrate means.
