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1. **祭拜仪式:** 在树下举行简单的祭拜仪式,可以点燃香烛或燃烧植物的香料,向树精灵表达敬意和感谢。

2. **音乐和歌唱:** 树精灵喜欢自然的声音,你可以在树下演奏音乐或唱歌,以此来传达你的尊敬和友好。

3. **提供礼物:** 在树根附近放置一些礼物,如水晶、花朵、果实或者美丽的石头,作为对树精灵的奉献。

4. **保护环境:** 最好的供奉之一是保护树木和自然环境。积极参与植树活动、清理环境垃圾等行为都可以被视为对树精灵的尊敬和供奉。

5. **沟通和尊重:** 和树精灵进行心灵沟通,表达你的感受和愿望,并确保你的行为不会对树木或其栖息地造成伤害。



Consecrate cultivates demon to be able to pass the following means to undertake:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** holds simple hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to a ceremony below the tree, can ignite joss sticks and candles or combustion floral flavor, to the tree demon conveys devoir and acknowledgment.

2.** music and vocal: ** cultivates demon to like natural sound, you can issue spiel in the tree or sing, the respect that will communicate you with this and friendly.

3.** offers a gift: ** places a few gifts around tree root, be like the stone with crystal, flower, beautiful perhaps fructification, regard pair of trees as the dedication of demon.

4.** protects an environment: One of consecrate with best ** are protective tree and environment. Take an active part in forest activity, clear the respect that the behavior such as environmental rubbish can be regarded as pair of tree demon and consecrate.

5.** communicates and respect: ** and tree demon undertake the heart is communicated, express your feeling and desire, ensure your behavior won't cause harm to tree or its habitat.

Remember, consecrate tree demon is not a kind of material trades, however a kind of respect to nature and the expression to the be thankful affection of life.
