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1. **清洁**: 保持佛像清洁是非常重要的。定期用干净的布轻轻擦拭佛像,确保其表面干净整洁。

2. **供养**: 在佛像前摆放供品,如水果、鲜花、香烛等,表达虔诚之心。

3. **念经诵经**: 可以在供养佛像的时候念诵经文或者默念心经,以示尊敬和虔诚。

4. **燃香点灯**: 点香和蜡烛是一种向佛表达敬意和祈福的方式,但要确保安全,避免火灾。

5. **礼拜**: 可以在适当的时候向佛像行三礼,表示尊敬和敬仰。

6. **心诚诚心**: 最重要的是,供奉佛像要真诚、虔诚,内心充满敬意和善意。



Because the consecrate means of Bodhisattva figure of Buddha is devotional with individual preference differ somewhat, but have a few collective ways commonly:

1.** clean ** : Maintaining cleanness of figure of Buddha is very important. Wipe figure of Buddha gently with clean cloth regularly, ensure its surface is clean and neat.

2.** makes offerings to ** : Offerings is put before figure of Buddha, wait like fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, convey devotional heart.

3.** of classics of Song of ** recite scriptures: Can making offerings to figure of Buddha when recite lection or silent reads aloud heart classics, be respected in order to show and devotional.

4.** lights sweet light a lamp ** : The dot is sweet with the candle it is a kind of kind that expresses devoir and pray blessing to Buddha, but should ensure safe, prevent fire.

5.** chapel ** : Can be in proper when salute to figure of Buddha, express to respect and revere.

6.** heart ** of sincere sincere desire: The most important is, consecrate figure of Buddha wants genuine, devotional, the heart is full of devoir and kindness.

Remember, consecrate figure of Buddha is the means of a kind of individual belief and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, because this is the most important, is to send the sincerity from the heart and devotional.
