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1. **准备供品:** 准备一些财神喜欢的食物和物品,如水果、糖果、茶叶、鲜花、红色布料等。这些供品应该摆放在一个整洁的容器中,以示尊敬。

2. **选择供奉地点:** 选择一个安静、清洁的地方供奉财神,最好是你家中的一个角落或神龛。

3. **摆放供品:** 将准备好的供品摆放在供奉的地方,可以摆成一排或一个圆圈,以示尊敬和谦卑。

4. **点燃香烛:** 在供品旁边点燃香烛,表示对财神的尊敬和祈愿。最好选择红色的香烛,象征着财富和好运。

5. **祈祷和感恩:** 在供奉的过程中,你可以默默地或大声地祈祷,向财神表达你的愿望和感恩之情。你可以表达对他带来的财富和好运的感激之情,同时请求他继续保佑你和你的家人。

6. **定期供奉:** 最好定期供奉财神,比如每个月或每个季度。这样可以保持你与财神之间的联系,并持续得到他的保佑和帮助。



Consecrate mammon needs a few ceremonies and preparation normally. You can come according to the following measure consecrate mammon:

1.** plans offerings: ** prepares the food that a few mammon like and article, wait like fruit, candied, tea, flower, gules cloth. These offerings should be put in a neat container, in order to show respect.

2.** selects consecrate site: ** chooses the local consecrate mammon of a quiet, cleanness, had better be a corner in your home or shrine.

3.** puts offerings: ** puts ready offerings the place in consecrate, can place into platoon or an one circle, respect He Qian low in order to show.

4.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles by offerings, the respect that shows pair of mammon and invocatory. Had better choose gules joss sticks and candles, indicative fortune become reconciled carries.

5.** prays and be thankful: ** is in the process of consecrate, you are OK and silent the ground or aloud pray, express your desire and the feeling that be thankful to mammon. You can express the money that brings to him and the lucky feeling that appreciate, request him to continue to bless you and your family at the same time.

6.** fixed consecrate: ** is best and fixed consecrate mammon, for instance every month or every quarter. Can maintain the connection between you and mammon so, get him continuously bless and help.

Remember, consecrate mammon is not simple ceremony, however pair of fortune and a kind of lucky belief and respect, want to handle this process sincerely so.
