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1. 准备供品:准备一些水和清净的容器作为供品,通常用来代表水灵的清净和纯洁。

2. 念经祈祷:密宗的修行者会念诵特定的经文和祈祷词,以请求水灵的加持和庇佑。这些经文可能会根据不同的传统和寺院而有所不同。

3. 献供和祭拜:将准备好的水倒入供品容器中,然后将供品摆放在供桌或供龛上,虔诚地向水灵祭拜和敬奉。

4. 行礼供养:在供奉水灵的过程中,修行者会进行一系列的礼拜动作和供养仪式,以表达对水灵的尊敬和敬意。



Close the means of a consecrate fresh and juicy because of different tradition and genre differ somewhat, but include the following measure normally:

1.Plan offerings: Prepare a few water and kosher container to serve as offerings, what use delegate fresh and juicy normally is kosher with chasteness.

2.Recite scriptures prays: Close ancestor Nazarite can be recited specific lection and pray word, with requesting fresh and juicy add hold and bless. These lection may be mixed according to different tradition fane and differ somewhat.

3.Display for doing obeisance to with hold a memorial ceremony for: Pour ready water into offerings container, put offerings next in altar or go up for niche, be done obeisance to to hold a memorial ceremony for of fresh and juicy piously and piously worship.

4.Salute make offerings to: In the process of consecrate fresh and juicy, nazarite can undertake a series of week action and make offerings to ceremony, in order to express the respect to fresh and juicy and respect.

Those who need an attention is, close the specific ceremony of a consecrate fresh and juicy and measure may be mixed because of different tradition, genre fane and somewhat difference, because this is best,the Lama that has experience or rabbi seek advice before specific practice.
