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1. **选址**: 需要选择一个适合的位置供奉四灵兽,通常选在家中的主要房间或神龛,以及庭院中心位置等。

2. **供品**: 准备适当的供品,包括鲜花、水果、香烛、清水、香等。可以根据个人的信仰和喜好来选择。

3. **祭祀仪式**: 在选定的时间,进行祭祀仪式。这可以包括诵读祈福文,点燃香烛,摆放供品,并向四方拜礼。

4. **心诚意正**: 在供奉的过程中,要心怀敬畏和诚意,表达对四灵兽的尊重和祈愿。

5. **定期祭祀**: 定期进行祭祀,表达对四灵兽的敬意和祈福,可以是每月、每季或每年一次。



4 clever animal are the mythological biology in Chinese traditional culture, the Bai Hu that represents Oriental Qing Long, west, southern rosefinch and northward Xuan Wu. 4 clever animal need consecrate normally certain ceremony and method:

1.** of ** optional location: The positional consecrate that need choice suits 4 clever animal, choose the main room in the home or shrine normally, and court center position.

2.** offerings ** : Plan proper offerings, include flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, clear water, sweet etc. Can choose according to the individual's belief and be fond of.

3.** of ** sacred ceremony: In the time of make choice of, undertake sacred ceremony. This can include language of chant pray blessing, ignite joss sticks and candles, put offerings, do obeisance to a ceremony to all directions.

4.** heart sincerity ** : In the process of consecrate, want cherish awe-stricken with sincerity, the respect that expresses pair of 4 clever animal and invocatory.

5.** is fixed and sacred ** : Undertake regularly sacred, convey the devoir of pair of 4 clever animal and pray blessing, can be every month, every season or annual.

As a whole, need of 4 clever animal respects consecrate traditional, also can mix according to the individual's belief at the same time the habit undertakes be adjustmented appropriately.
