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1. **清洁准备**: 先清洁神像和供奉的地方,确保整洁干净。

2. **供品准备**: 准备一些供品,如水、果实、鲜花、香等。这些供品可以根据神的属性和个人喜好选择。

3. **供奉位置**: 将神像放在一个尊崇的位置,通常是高处或者专门的祭坛上。

4. **祈祷和致敬**: 祈祷并表达敬意,可以用心诚意地向神灵表达自己的愿望和感激之情。

5. **定期供奉**: 最好定期进行供奉,保持与神灵的联系和感恩之心。

6. **心诚意正**: 最重要的是心诚意正,用虔诚的心态来供奉神灵,而不是形式化的仪式。



Consecrate God should decide according to belief and tradition. Generally speaking, can have the following move:

1.** cleanness prepares ** : First the place of clean God and consecrate, ensure shipshape.

2.** offerings prepares ** : Plan a few offerings, be like water, fructification, flower, sweet etc. These offerings can be mixed according to magical attribute choice of individual be fond of.

3.** of ** consecrate position: Put God in the position of a homage, it is altitude normally on special perhaps altar.

4.** prays and greeting ** : Pray and express respect, can express oneself desire and the feeling that appreciate to deities with heart sincerity ground.

5.** of ** fixed consecrate: Had better undertake consecrate regularly, maintain the connection with deities and the heart that be thankful.

6.** heart sincerity ** : The most important is heart sincerity, come with devotional state of mind consecrate deities, is not the ceremony of formalization.

According to different religion and belief, the means of consecrate and details may differ somewhat, had better decide so according to particular case.
