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1. **佛像供奉:** 在家中选择一个清净的地方,摆放一尊菩萨的佛像,可以是木雕、石雕或者其他材质的佛像。每天或者定期向佛像献上鲜花、水果、香烛等供品,表示虔诚和尊敬。

2. **诵经念佛:** 家族成员可以每天或者特定的时间段,一起诵经念佛,如《心经》、《观世音菩萨心咒》等,以此表达对菩萨的信仰和虔诚。

3. **供养斋饭:** 每逢佛诞、佛成道、佛涅槃等重要节日,可以准备斋饭供养菩萨,表达对菩萨的感恩之情。斋饭可以包括素菜、水果等清净食物。

4. **修建佛堂:** 如果条件允许,家族可以共同筹建一个小型的佛堂或者供奉室,专门用来供奉菩萨,举行诵经、念佛、礼佛等活动。

5. **行善积德:** 以家族的名义进行慈善事业,如捐助寺庙、资助贫困学子等,积累善德,也是供养菩萨的一种方式。



Consecrate Bodhisattva can pass the following means to undertake:

1.Consecrate of ** figure of Buddha: ** chooses a kosher place in the home, put one honour the figure of Buddha of Bodhisattva, can be woodcarving, stone carving the figure of Buddha with other perhaps qualitative material. Perhaps display to figure of Buddha regularly everyday on the offerings such as flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, express to be mixed piously respect.

2.Pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: ** familial member is OK everyday specific perhaps time paragraph, pray to Buddha of classics of a Song, be like " heart classics " , " cuss of heart of Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva " etc, the belief that expresses pair of Bodhisattva with this and devotional.

3.** makes offerings to vegetarian food: ** whenever Buddha birth, Buddha becomes the important red-letter day such as of Nie of path, Buddha, can prepare vegetarian food to make offerings to Bodhisattva, express the be thankful feeling to Bodhisattva. Vegetarian food can include the kosher food such as Lenten, fruit.

4.** builds family hall for worshipping Buddha: ** if the condition allows, familial and OK prepare to construct jointly family hall for worshipping Buddha of a diminutive or consecrate room, use consecrate a term applied to a kindhearted person technically, hold the activity such as Buddha of Song classics, pray to Buddha, ceremony.

5.Accumulate virtue of ** do good works: ** undertakes charities with familial name, like contributory cloister, aid financially impoverished student to wait, accumulate heart of be apt to, also be to make offerings to a kind of means of Bodhisattva.

Above is the means of a few common consecrate a term applied to a kindhearted person, particular way can be mixed according to familial tradition devotional habit of the individual undertakes adjust and be carryinged out.
