1. **佛前礼拜**:在佛龛或寺庙内,向观音菩萨做三鞠躬、三拜、三叩首的礼拜,表示虔诚的敬意。
2. **上香祈祷**:点香烛,将烛火上香供养给观音菩萨,同时诚心祈愿。
3. **供奉鲜花、水果**:将鲜花、水果等供品摆放在观音像前,表达虔诚之心。
4. **诵经念佛**:可以诵读观音经文,或念诵观音的名号,以达到心灵的净化和感应。
5. **持咒念咒**:持观音心咒或观音灵咒,表达对观音菩萨的信仰和祈愿。
6. **布施行善**:以行善积德,帮助他人,也是对观音菩萨最好的供养之一。
Lv Dongbin is met normally with avalokitesvara of devotional consecrate of state of mind. Consecrate avalokitesvara can take the following kind:
1.** of the chapel before ** Buddha: Inside niche for a statue of Buddha or cloister, do to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 3 bow, 3 do obeisance to, 3 knock at the chapel of first, show devotional respect.
2.On ** sweet pray ** : Dot joss sticks and candles, get on candlelight sweet make offerings to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, sincere desire is invocatory at the same time.
3.** of ** consecrate flower, fruit: Put the offerings such as flower, fruit before avalokitesvara resembles, convey devotional heart.
4.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: Can chant avalokitesvara lection, or the renown number that recites avalokitesvara, with achieving the heart purify and induction.
5.** holds cuss execration ** : Hold avalokitesvara heart cuss or avalokitesvara clever cuss, the belief that expresses pair of avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and invocatory.
6.** of do good works of ** alms giving: With accumulate virtue of do good works, help another person, also be to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva makes offerings to best one of.
Above is the familiar pattern of Bodhisattva of avalokitesvara of a few consecrate, the key is mixed in Yu Qiancheng, sincere desire perserve.