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1. **整体布局**:首先确定一个整体的布局,可以根据空间大小和摆放的数量来选择是集中摆放还是分散摆放。

2. **层次感**:在摆放时要注意高低错落,营造出层次感。可以利用不同高度的摆件和花瓶来达到这个效果。

3. **对称与不对称**:可以根据个人喜好选择对称或不对称的摆放方式。对称的摆放会给人一种稳定和整齐的感觉,而不对称的摆放则更具有活力和个性。

4. **空间利用**:合理利用空间,避免摆放过于拥挤或者过于稀疏,让摆件和花瓶与周围环境相互呼应。

5. **色彩搭配**:考虑摆件和花瓶的颜色与周围环境的搭配,以及它们之间的色彩搭配,使整体看起来和谐统一。

6. **自然布局**:尽量模仿自然界的布局,让摆件和花瓶的摆放看起来自然而不生硬。

7. **功能性**:如果是用于供奉的摆件,要确保它们摆放的位置容易清理和维护,同时不影响正常使用。

8. **注意安全**:摆放时要考虑到不会造成安全隐患,尤其是有小孩或宠物的家庭,要避免摆放易碎或尖锐的物品。


Put consecrate to place need to notice the following with the vase:

1.** of ** whole layout: Determine the position of a whole above all, can choose according to dimensional size and put amount is concentration put or put dispersedly.

2.** of feeling of ** administrative levels: Want to notice on any account is strewn at random when put, build an administrative levels feeling. Can use different height place will achieve this result with the vase.

3.** semmetry and asymmetry ** : Can choose semmetry or asymmetry according to individual be fond of put way. Put symmetrically can give a person a kind of stability and orderly sense, and of asymmetry put have vigor and individual character more.

4.** space uses ** : Reasonable use a space, avoid to put too crowded too few and far between perhaps, let place with vase and surroundings mutual echo.

5.** of ** colour collocation: The consideration places the collocation of a color with the vase and surroundings, and the colour between them is tie-in, make whole looks harmonious and unified.

6.** of ** natural overall arrangement: Imitate the layout of nature as far as possible, let place with the vase put look natural and not curt.

7.** of ** function sex: If be,be used at consecrate place, the position that should ensure they are put clears easily and safeguard, do not affect at the same time use normally.

8.** notices safe ** : When putting, should consider won't cause safe hidden trouble, have the family of child or pet especially, want to avoid to put brittle or acerb goods.
