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每日翻译: 手提电话使人们打电话很方便,但是大部分手机的质量却有待进一步提高,因为今天的手机有很多地方还远不是尽善尽美的


每日翻译: 手提电话使人们打电话很方便,但是大部分手机的质量却有待进一步提高,因为今天的手机有很多地方还远不是尽善尽美的

  • 每日翻译:


    • The mobile phone has made it convenient for people to make phone calls, but the quality of most phones still needs to be improved because there are many aspects of today's phones that are far from perfect.
    • Mobile phones have made calling people very convenient, but the quality of most phones still has room for improvement as there are many areas where today's phones are not yet flawless.
    • The advent of mobile phones has greatly facilitated phone communication, yet the majority of phones still have room for improvement in terms of quality, as there are many aspects of today's phones that are not yet perfect.
    • Handheld telephones have made calling people convenient, but the quality of most mobile phones still needs further enhancement, as there are many areas where today's phones are far from being perfect.


    Mobile phones are convenient for people to make calls on.But the quality of most of them needs to be further improved, because today's mobiles are still far from perfect in many respects.

    • mobile phones: 手机
    • convenient: 方便的
    • make calls: 打电话
    • quality: 质量
    • needs: 需要
    • further improved: 进一步改善
    • today's: 今天的
    • far from perfect: 远非完美的
    • in many respects: 在许多方面
    • be动词(are):表示状态或性质
    • 形容词(convenient, further, perfect):修饰名词或代词,表示状态或特征
    • for + 名词/代词 + to + 动词原形(for people to make calls on):表示目的或原因
    • 连词(but, because):连接并列或因果关系的句子
    • 动词不定式(to be further improved):表示动作或状态,通常由 to + 动词原形构成
    • 介词短语(of most of them, in many respects):修饰名词或代词,表示具体内容或范围
    上一篇:每日翻译: 今天电视在中国已经非常普遍了,除了一些偏僻的地方,不论在城市或乡村,几乎每家都有一台电视机供其使用。