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名篇背诵:Happy Hours 幸福时光


名篇背诵:Happy Hours 幸福时光

Happy Hours 幸福时光

R. L. 斯蒂文森(R. L. Stevenson)

If the evening be fine and warm, there is nothing better in life than to lounge before the inn door in the sunset, or lean over the parapet of the bridge, to watch the weeds and the quick fishes. It is then, if ever, that you taste joviality to the full significance of that audacious word. Your muscles are so agreeably slack, you feel so clean and so strong and so idle, that whether you move or sit still,whatever you do is done with pride and a kingly sort of pleasure. You fall in talk with any one, wise or foolish, drunk or sober. And it seems as if a hot walk purged you, more than of anything else, of all narrowness and pride, and left curiosity to play its part freely, as in a child or a man of science. You lay aside all your own hobbies, to watch provincial humors develop themselves before you, now as a laughable farce, and now grave and beautiful like an old tale.

Or perhaps you are left to your own company, and surely weather imprisons you by the fire. You may remember how Burns, numbering past pleasures dwells upon the hours when he has been“happy thinking.” It is a phrase that may well perplex a poor modern, girt about on every side by clocks and chimes, and haunted, even at night, by flaming medals. For we are all so busy, and have so many far off projects to realize, and castles in the air to turn into solid habitable mansions on a gravel soil, that we can find no time for pleasure trips into the Land of Thought and among the Hills of Vanity.

- parapet [ˈpærəpɪt] n. 栏杆

- joviality [ˌdʒəʊvɪˈælətɪ] n. 欢乐,友好

- kingly [ˈkɪŋlɪ] a. 国王的,国王似的

- purge [pɜːdʒ] v. 清洗,净化

- provincial [prəˈvɪnʃl] a. 乡间的,地方性的

- gravel [ˈɡrævəl] n./a. 砾石;充满砾石的



上一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:China 中国的地理位置
下一篇:名篇背诵:Disappointment 失望