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  • 每日翻译:

    甚至在今天,也没有人能够明确知道古代埃及人是怎样建成金字塔的,有些人甚至认为,也许有某种地球以外的力量参与 。

    译文: Even in modern times, no one can say for sure how the ancient Egyptians constructed the pyramids. Some even suggest that there might have been some kind of extraterrestrial involvement.

    Even today, there is no clear understanding of how the ancient Egyptians were able to build the pyramids. There are those who believe that there could have been some sort of extraterrestrial intervention.

    To this day, it remains a mystery as to how the ancient Egyptians managed to construct the pyramids, with some speculating that perhaps some kind of extraterrestrial forces were involved.

    Despite our current knowledge, nobody knows exactly how the ancient Egyptians were able to construct the pyramids. There are even some who suggest that there may have been some kind of alien involvement.

    Even now, we are still unsure about how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, and there are those who propose that there could have been some sort of extraterrestrial help.


    Even today, no one knows with certainty how ancient Egyptians constructed the pyramids. Some people even go as far as to think that certain forms of extraterrestrial force might have been involved.

    • even today:即使在今天
    • no one knows:没有人知道
    • with certainty:确切地
    • ancient Egyptians:古埃及人
    • constructed:建造
    • pyramids:金字塔
    • some people:一些人
    • go as far as to:甚至到达
    • think:认为
    • certain forms:某种形式
    • extraterrestrial force:外星力量
    • might have been involved:可能参与其中
    • 使用with certainty表示确切地,强调没有确定的答案。
    • 使用how引导宾语从句,询问古埃及人如何建造金字塔。
    • 使用形容词短语as far as来表示到了极端的程度。
    • 使用think后跟宾语从句来表达某人的观点或想法。
    • 使用might have been involved来表示可能参与其中的情况,表达过去某个时间或事件的可能性。
    上一篇:每日翻译: 希腊被说成是西方文明的发源地,因为古代希腊有过高度发达的文化;而且许多文明思想和新发现都是由希腊传遍全欧洲的