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预订 - Reservation/Booking

预约 - Appointment

预订号码 - Booking Reference/Reservation Number

预订确认 - Booking Confirmation

取消预订 - Cancel Reservation/Booking

预订费用 - Booking Fee

预订系统 - Booking System

预订流程 - Booking Process

预订时间 - Booking Time

预订条款 - Booking Terms and Conditions


The Importance of Making Reservations 预订的重要性

Making reservations has become an integral part of modern life. Whether it's reserving a table at a restaurant, booking tickets for a show, or securing accommodations for a trip, the act of reservation offers numerous benefits and conveniences.


Firstly, making reservations ensures that you have a guaranteed spot or service at your desired time. In today's fast-paced world, time is of the essence, and waiting in line or hoping for availability on the spot can be time-consuming and frustrating. By making a reservation, you eliminate the uncertainty and can enjoy your experience without unnecessary delays.


Secondly, making reservations allows businesses to better manage their resources and provide efficient service. Knowing the number of guests or customers in advance enables restaurants, theaters, hotels, and other establishments to allocate their staff, space, and inventory accordingly, resulting in smoother operations and better customer satisfaction.


In conclusion, making reservations offers numerous advantages for both consumers and businesses. It saves time, reduces stress, ensures availability, and enhances the overall experience. Therefore, it is advisable to make reservations whenever possible to make the most out of your plans and engagements.



The Convenience of Online Booking 在线预订的便利性

With the advancement of technology, the process of booking services and products has been revolutionized, thanks to online booking platforms. From flights and hotels to concert tickets and restaurant reservations, the convenience of booking online has transformed the way we plan and organize our activities.


One of the greatest advantages of online booking is the accessibility it offers. With just a few clicks or taps on our smartphones or computers, we can browse through numerous options, compare prices and features, and make reservations within minutes. This level of convenience saves us valuable time and eliminates the need to physically visit multiple locations or make countless phone calls.


Furthermore, online booking platforms often offer additional benefits such as exclusive deals, discounts, and loyalty rewards. By utilizing these platforms, customers can enjoy savings and perks that may not be available through traditional booking methods. Additionally, the ability to read reviews and ratings from other users provides valuable insights and helps in making informed decisions.



❶ 抱歉,这个缺货了。Sorry, it is out of stock.

同类表达 They are sold out. 这个卖完了。

对话 A: I want to buy the shoes I tried yesterday. 我想买昨天试穿的鞋子。

B: Sorry, it's out of stock. 抱歉,这个缺货了。

❷ 我能预订吗?Can I have an order?

对话 A: Can I have an order? 我能预订吗?

B: Sorry for that. But I can call you if there is a new one. 抱歉,不能。但是如果到货的话,我可以给你打电话。

❸ 我去仓库看看。I'll have a look in our store warehouse.

对话 A: Do you have the blue trousers I tried last week? 我上周试穿的蓝色裤子还有吗?

B: I'll have a look in our store warehouse. Please wait a moment. 我去仓库看看,请稍等一下。

❹ 可以为我留着这条项链吗?Will you hold the necklace for me?

对话 A: Will you hold the necklace for me? 可以为我留着这条项链吗?

B: We can only hold it until tomorrow. 我们只能保留到明天。

❺ 你能从其他分店为我调一件吗?Can you get one from another branch for me?

❻ 预订那部相机需要交订金吗?Do you need any money in advance to reserve that camera?

对话 A: Do you need any money in advance to reserve that camera? 预订那部相机需要交订金吗?

B: Yes. 10% deposit is needed. 是的,10%的订金。

❼ 还会进货吗?Will you be ordering any more?

对话 A: Those sunglasses are sold out. 那些太阳镜已售完了。

B: Will you be ordering any more? 还会进货吗?

A: I'm afraid not. 恐怕不会了。

❽ 你们还会进裙子吗?Are you likely to be getting more skirts in?

对话 A: Are you likely to be getting more skirts in? 你们还会进裙子吗?

B: Yes. You should come back this weekend. 会的。您这周末再来。

A: OK. I'll come that day. 好的,我那天再来。

❾ 等到货了,我们会给您打电话。We'll call you when it is available.

对话 A: When can I get it? 我什么时候能拿到呢?

B: We'll call you when it is available. 等到货了,我们会给您打电话。

❿ 您无法提前预订这个手机。You can't book this phone in advance.

上一篇:初中英语议论文和说明文:What Is the Secret of Success 什么是成功的秘诀
下一篇:名篇背诵:The Meaning of Life 生命的意义