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  • 涉及商务英语口语会话时,以下是一些常用的句子和表达,可以帮助您进行商务交流:   1. 自我介绍和问候:    - Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is [Your Name] from [Company Name].    (早上好/下午好/晚上好,我是[你的名字],来自[公司名]。)    - How do you do? I'm [Your Name], pleased to meet you.    (你好吗?我是[你的名字],很高兴见到你。)    - Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about your company.    (很高兴见到你。我听说过你们公司很多事情。)   2. 提出建议和提供信息:    - I suggest that we consider implementing a new marketing strategy.    (我建议我们考虑实施一项新的营销策略。)    - We could offer a discount on bulk orders to attract more customers.    (我们可以对大宗订单提供折扣,以吸引更多的客户。)    - According to the latest market research, our target audience prefers online shopping.    (根据最新的市场研究,我们的目标受众更喜欢在线购物。)   3. 请求和提供帮助:    - Could you please assist me with preparing the presentation?    (你能帮我准备一下演示文稿吗?)    - If you need any assistance, feel free to ask. I'm here to help.    (如果你需要任何帮助,请随时告诉我。我会乐意帮忙的。)    - I can provide you with the necessary resources for the project.    (我可以为你提供项目所需的资源。)   4. 谈论进展和计划:    - We have made significant progress in meeting our sales targets for this quarter.    (我们在实现本季度销售目标方面取得了重大进展。)    - Our team is currently working on the implementation plan and we aim to launch the product next month.    (我们的团队目前正在制定实施计划,我们计划下个月推出产品。)    - Let's discuss the timeline and milestones for the project.    (让我们讨论一下项目的时间表和里程碑。)   5. 谈判和就业合同:    - We would like to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract.    (我们希望谈判合同的条款和条件。)    - We propose a payment schedule of 30% upfront and the remaining amount upon project completion.    (我们建议支付时间表为30%的预付款,剩余金额在项目完成后支付。)    - We are open to further discussion and finding a mutually beneficial agreement.    (我们愿意进一步讨论,找到一份互利的协议。)   请根据具体情境选择适当的句子,并根据需要进行适当的修改。练习这些句子,可以帮助您在商务英语口语会话中更加自信和流利地表达自己。