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  • 考研英语作文一直是考生备战考试的重点之一,良好的作文表达能力对提高综合素质和竞争力至关重要。本文将为大家分享一套科学构建的考研英语作文模板,助力考生在考试中取得更好的成绩。   一、议论文模板    1. Introduction(引言段):       开门见山引出议题,引用名人名言或相关数据,引起阅卷老师的兴趣。    2. Body(正文段落):       第一段:阐明观点,提出论点,列举相关例证或数据,加强论证力度。       第二段:进一步论证,对比不同观点,突出自己的立场,引用权威观点进行支持。       第三段:总结观点,指出优势和解决方法,为自己的立场做最后呼应。    3. Conclusion(结论段):       总结全文,强调观点,提出建议或展望未来,留下深刻印象。   二、记叙文模板    1. Background(背景介绍):       通过一个生动的故事或事件引起读者的共鸣,引出作文主题。    2. Development(情节展开):       逐步展开情节,交代人物关系、环境背景,引出作文要表达的核心内容。    3. Climax and Conclusion(高潮与结尾):       在情节达到高潮时,进行适当的反思和思考,通过主人公的成长或改变,给出作品的深刻寓意和启示。   三、范文示例(议论文) 是否应该禁止一次性塑料袋的使用      Introduction:    Nowadays, the issue of whether to ban the use of disposable plastic bags has sparked heated debate. On the one hand, proponents argue that the ban can significantly reduce plastic pollution and protect the environment. On the other hand, opponents claim that it may bring inconvenience to people's daily life and business activities.      Body:    First and foremost, banning disposable plastic bags can effectively alleviate environmental pollution caused by plastic waste. According to a recent survey, the excessive use of plastic bags has led to severe ecological damage and posed a threat to marine life. Furthermore, the ban could promote the use of eco-friendly alternatives, such as reusable bags, which helps raise public awareness of environmental protection.      Additionally, it is essential to consider the potential inconvenience and economic impact on individuals and businesses. However, with the advancement of technology and the availability of alternative materials, the negative effects can be mitigated. For instance, the widespread use of biodegradable bags and the encouragement of reusable bag adoption can minimize the inconvenience while promoting sustainable development.      Conclusion:    In conclusion, the benefits of banning disposable plastic bags far outweigh the drawbacks. It is imperative for governments and communities to take proactive measures to reduce plastic pollution and safeguard the environment for future generations. By implementing comprehensive policies and raising public awareness, we can create a cleaner and more sustainable living environment for all.   通过掌握上述议论文和记叙文模板,考生可以在考研英语作文中灵活运用,构建完整、有力的作文框架,从而提高作文表达的准确性和逻辑性,获得更好的作文成绩。祝愿所有考生在考试中取得优异成绩!