1. Garbage:这是最常见的一个词,指的是生活垃圾,如食品残渣、纸张、塑料袋等。例如:I need to take out the garbage before it starts to smell.
2. Trash:与garbage类似,也是指生活垃圾,但更加口语化。例如:Don't throw your trash on the ground, put it in the bin.
3. Rubbish:这个词在英国和澳大利亚比较常用,也是指生活垃圾。例如:The rubbish truck comes every Tuesday to collect our trash.
4. Waste:这个词可以指任何类型的废弃物,包括生活垃圾、工业废料、有毒废物等。例如:The factory needs to dispose of its waste properly to avoid pollution.
5. Litter:这个词通常指地面上的小块垃圾,如烟蒂、糖果纸等。例如:Please don't litter in the park, use the bins provided.