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名篇背诵:A Lady with the Gift of Beauty 风姿绰约的女士


名篇背诵:A Lady with the Gift of Beauty 风姿绰约的女士

A Lady with the Gift of Beauty 风姿绰约的女士

夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)

To her had not been denied the gift of beauty. It was not absolutely necessary to know her in order to like her; she was fair enough to please, even at the first view. Her shape suited her age; it was girlish, light, and pliant ; every curve was neat, every limb proportionate ; her face was expressive and gentle; her eyes were handsome, and gifted at times with a winning beam that stole into the heart, with a language that spoke softly to the affections. Her mouth was very pretty; she had a delicate skin and a fine flow of brown hair, and she possessed them in picturesque profusion . Her style of dress announced taste in the wearer — very unobtrusive in fashion, far from costly in material, but suitable in colour to the fair complexion with which it contrasted.

- pliant [ˈplaɪənt] a. 柔韧的

- proportionate [prəˈpɔːʃənət] a. 匀称的

- picturesque [ˌpɪktʃəˈresk] a. 生动的;别致的

- profusion [prəˈfjuːʒn] n. 丰富,充沛

- unobtrusive [ˌʌnəbˈtruːsɪv] a. 不引人注目的


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