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  • 智能手机的普及导致分心行走的情况显著增加,其中行人在穿过交通时使用他们的设备。当一个沉迷于手机的行人被车辆撞击时,责任问题就变成了一个复杂且有争议的问题。本文将探讨这场辩论的各个面向,考虑行人、驾驶员以及社会规范的角色。


    • Distracted Walking (分心行走) - Engaging in activities that take your attention away from the act of walking, often using a smartphone.
    • Personal Responsibility (个人责任) - The idea that individuals are responsible for their own safety and actions.
    • Vigilant (警觉的) - Being carefully watchful, especially for possible dangers.
    • Neglecting (忽视) - Failing to take proper care or notice of something.
    • Pedestrian (行人) - A person traveling on foot.
    • Engage (使用) - To occupy or involve oneself in an activity.
    • Consequences (后果) - The result or effect of an action or decision.
    • Legal Obligation (法律义务) - A duty or commitment that is enforceable by law.
    • Due Care and Attention (应有的谨慎和注意力) - The level of care expected from a reasonable person to avoid causing harm to others.
    • Predict (预测) - To say or estimate that a particular thing will happen in the future.
    • Urban Planning (城市规划) - The process of creating and maintaining plans used for urban development.
    • Mitigating (减轻) - To make a situation or its effects less severe.
    • Accidents (事故) - Unfortunate incidents that happen unexpectedly and unintentionally.
    • Technological Interventions (技术干预) - The use of technology to solve a problem or improve a situation.
    • Smart Cities (智能城市) - Urban areas that use different types of electronic data collection sensors to supply information which is used to manage assets and resources efficiently.
    • Alert (警报) - A warning or indication of danger.
    • Privacy (隐私) - The state of being free from unauthorized intrusion or surveillance.
    • Over-reliance (过度依赖) - To depend too much on something for support or guidance.
    • Accountability (责任) - The fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
    • Public Spaces (公共场所) - Areas that are open and accessible to the public over which people have a right of entry.

    The Pedestrian's Responsibility

    Proponents of personal responsibility argue that pedestrians must be vigilant and aware of their surroundings. By choosing to engage with their phones, they are neglecting this duty and should bear the consequences. However, critics contend that expecting absolute attention is unrealistic, and the environment should accommodate different levels of attention.



    The Driver's Liability

    Drivers are legally obligated to exercise due care and attention. They must be prepared to encounter pedestrians, even those who are distracted. The counterargument is that drivers cannot be expected to predict or avoid every potential hazard, particularly in complex traffic situations.



    The Role of Infrastructure

    Urban planning can play a role in mitigating the risks of distracted walking. Separated sidewalks and pedestrian-only zones can reduce the likelihood of accidents. However, critics argue that infrastructure cannot eliminate the need for individual caution.



    Technological Solutions

    Some advocate for technological interventions, such as apps that limit phone functionality while walking or smart cities that alert drivers to distracted pedestrians. While these solutions show promise, they also raise concerns about privacy and over-reliance on technology.




    Determining responsibility in cases of distracted walking is not straightforward. It involves a balance of personal accountability, legal obligations, urban design, and technological support. As society continues to evolve with technology, so too must our understanding of responsibility and safety in public spaces.

