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  • 孔雀(Peafowl)是雉科(Phasianidae)孔雀属(Pavo)的鸟类,主要分为两种:蓝孔雀(Pavo cristatus)和绿孔雀(Pavo muticus)。蓝孔雀主要分布在印度次大陆,而绿孔雀则分布在东南亚。孔雀以其鲜艳的羽毛和开屏时的壮观景象而闻名,是世界上最美丽的鸟类之一。


    • Peafowl:孔雀(统称)
    • Peacock:雄孔雀
    • Peahen:雌孔雀
    • Peafowl feather:孔雀羽毛
    • Peacock's tail:孔雀的尾羽
    • Feathery:羽毛的,如“feathery tail”(羽毛状的尾巴)
    • Ocelli:孔雀羽毛上的圆形斑点
    • Train:孔雀开屏时展开的尾羽部分
    • Plumage:羽毛,如“vibrant plumage”(鲜艳的羽毛)


    Peafowl are one of the most stunning birds in the world. Their colorful feathers and elegant demeanor make them a sight to behold. 孔雀是世界上最美丽的鸟之一。它们五彩斑斓的羽毛和优雅的举止使它们成为一道亮丽的风景。

    The male peacock, known as a peafowl, is famous for its long, iridescent tail feathers which it displays in a fan-like fashion to attract a mate. 雄性孔雀以其长长的、七彩斑斓的尾羽而闻名,它们以扇状的方式展示这些羽毛,吸引配偶。

    Peafowl are native to South Asia but have been introduced to many other parts of the world due to their beauty and appeal. 孔雀原产于南亚,但由于其美丽和吸引力,已被引入到世界许多其他地区。

    Peafowl are omnivores, feeding on a diet of insects, plants, and small animals. They are often found in forested areas or near water sources. 孔雀是杂食性动物,以昆虫、植物和小动物为食。它们经常出现在森林地带或水源附近。

    In many cultures, peacocks are symbols of beauty, grace, and royalty. They are often associated with myths, legends, and religious beliefs. 在许多文化中,孔雀是美丽、优雅和皇家的象征。它们经常与神话、传说和宗教信仰联系在一起。


    Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a majestic peacock named Percival. Percival was known throughout the forest for his stunning plumage and graceful demeanor. He spent his days strutting proudly through the trees, displaying his vibrant tail feathers to anyone who would watch.   One day, as Percival was preening his feathers by a crystal-clear stream, he caught sight of a beautiful peahen named Penelope. Her soft, gentle eyes and delicate feathers captivated Percival instantly. Determined to win her affection, Percival embarked on a mission to impress Penelope with his dazzling displays.   Day after day, Percival danced and twirled, his tail feathers shimmering in the sunlight. He sang songs of love and devotion, hoping to catch Penelope's attention. But despite his best efforts, Penelope remained unimpressed. She seemed more interested in the simple pleasures of the forest than in Percival's extravagant displays.   Frustrated and disheartened, Percival sought the advice of wise old owl who lived in the tallest tree in the forest. The owl listened patiently to Percival's woes and then offered him some sage advice.   "My dear Percival," said the owl, "true love cannot be won through flashy displays and empty words. If you want to win Penelope's heart, you must show her kindness, patience, and understanding."   Taking the owl's words to heart, Percival changed his approach. Instead of trying to impress Penelope with his grand gestures, he began to spend time with her, listening to her stories and sharing in her joys and sorrows. Slowly but surely, Penelope began to see the kind and gentle soul beneath Percival's flashy exterior.   And so, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Percival and Penelope's bond grew stronger and stronger. They danced together in the moonlight, their hearts filled with love and happiness.   From that day on, Percival learned that true beauty lies not in outward appearances, but in the kindness and love that resides within the heart.   从前,在一片郁郁葱葱的森林里,住着一只雄伟的孔雀,名叫珀西瓦尔。珀西瓦尔以其华丽的羽毛和优雅的举止而闻名于整个森林。他整天自豪地在树林中走来走去,向任何愿意观看的人展示他绚丽的尾羽。   一天,当珀西瓦尔在一条清澈的小溪边理羽毛时,他看到了一只美丽的孔雀母鸡,名叫佩内洛普。她柔和温柔的眼睛和精致的羽毛立刻吸引了珀西瓦尔。珀西瓦尔决心要赢得她的感情,于是他开始努力用他令人眼花缭乱的表演来吸引佩内洛普。   日复一日,珀西瓦尔跳舞旋转,他的尾羽在阳光下闪闪发光。他唱着关于爱与忠诚的歌曲,希望引起佩内洛普的注意。但尽管他尽了最大的努力,佩内洛普仍然不为所动。她似乎更感兴趣于森林中简单的乐趣,而不是珀西瓦尔华丽的表演。   珀西瓦尔感到沮丧和心灰意冷,于是他寻求了居住在森林最高树上的智慧老猫头鹰的建议。猫头鹰耐心地倾听着珀西瓦尔的烦恼,然后给了他一些明智的建议。   “我亲爱的珀西瓦尔,”猫头鹰说道,“真正的爱情不能通过华丽的表演和空洞的话语来赢得。如果你想赢得佩内洛普的心,你必须向她展示善良、耐心和理解。”   珀西瓦尔把猫头鹰的话记在心上,改变了自己的方法。他不再试图用他的华丽姿态来打动佩内洛普,而是开始与她共度时光,倾听她的故事,分享她的快乐和悲伤。慢慢地,佩内洛普开始看到珀西瓦尔华丽外表下的善良和温柔的灵魂。   从那天起,随着日子一天天过去,周而复始,珀西瓦尔和佩内洛普的羁绊变得越来越牢固。他们在月光下一起跳舞,心中充满了爱与幸福。   从那天起,珀西瓦尔学会了,真正的美丽不在于外表,而在于心中的善良和爱。