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  • 雨伞是一种用来遮挡雨水或阳光的工具,通常由伞面、伞骨和伞柄组成。它们可用于防雨、防晒或作为装饰品使用。


    1. Umbrella:雨伞
    2. Parasol:阳伞
    3. Canopy:遮阳篷
    4. Shelter:遮蔽物
    5. Rainshade:雨棚


    1. Don't forget to bring your umbrella, it looks like it's going to rain.(别忘了带上你的雨伞,天看起来要下雨了。)
    2. She opened her umbrella and walked briskly down the street.(她打开雨伞,快步走在街上。)
    3. I left my umbrella at home, so I got soaked in the rain.(我把雨伞忘在家里了,所以我被雨淋湿了。)


    Umbrellas are common tools in our daily lives. They not only protect us from getting wet in the rain but also shield us from the sun. On rainy days, umbrellas are our good friends, protecting us from the rain and keeping us dry and comfortable. On sunny days, umbrellas become our parasols, helping us avoid sunburn. Therefore, umbrellas play an important role in our lives and are one of our indispensable daily necessities.


    The umbrella is a simple and practical tool. It not only protects us from the rain but also provides a cool shade under the sun. On rainy days, when we open the umbrella, it serves as a shelter, giving us a sense of security and warmth; on sunny days, we can also use the umbrella to block the sun, preventing sunburn and enjoying the coolness. Although umbrellas are simple, they are indispensable companions in our lives. They can provide a comfortable environment for us in various weather conditions, allowing us to feel the warmth and care of nature.


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