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英汉双语散文:Dreams 梦想


英汉双语散文:Dreams 梦想

  • In the vast universe of our minds, dreams are the stars that guide us through the darkness of uncertainty. They are the whispers of our hearts, the yearnings of our souls, and the silent promises we make to ourselves. Dreams are the seeds of possibility, planted in the fertile soil of imagination, watered by the persistence of our will, and nurtured by the warmth of hope.


    To chase a dream is to embark on a journey filled with challenges and wonders. It requires courage to step into the unknown, resilience to face the obstacles, and patience to wait for the fruits of our labor. The path may be winding and treacherous, but the destination is always worth the struggle.


    Dreams are not static; they evolve as we grow. They are shaped by our experiences, influenced by our surroundings, and transformed by our desires. A dream once achieved may give birth to another, and the cycle continues, fueling our passion for life and our thirst for self-realization.


    In the end, dreams are the essence of who we are. They define our purpose, inspire our actions, and give meaning to our existence. Whether we reach for the stars or merely wish upon them, dreams are the silent engines that drive us forward, the invisible wings that allow us to soar, and the unwritten stories that await their turn to be told.


    梦,梦想,幻想 Dream

    a day/waking dream 白日梦

    a prophetic dream 预兆性的梦

    a shadowy dream 渺茫的梦想

    an evil dream 噩梦

    an ominous dream 不祥的梦

    American Dream 美国梦

    awake from a dream 从梦中醒来

    be disturbed by a fearful/horrible/terrible dream 被噩梦所扰

    be/live/go about in a dream 梦一样地过日子

    cherish the dream of 抱有……的梦想

    convert one's dreams into reality 把梦想变为现实

    dream about a person 梦见某人

    dream away one's life 虚度一生

    dream away/out one's time 在空想中虚度光阴

    dream beautiful and happy dreams 做幸福的美梦

    dream of becoming a diplomat 梦想当一名外交家

    dream of one's future 向往未来

    expound/interpret dream 释梦,圆梦

    fulfil/realize one's dream 实现梦想

    have a curious dream 做一个奇怪的梦

    have a dream about 梦见

    have a ghastly dream 做一个恐怖的梦

    have an awful dream 做一个可怕的梦

    have dreams of wealth and happiness 梦想财富和幸福

    have wild dreams 胡思乱想

    pipe dream 白日梦,幻想,幻觉

    return in dreams to one's homeland 在梦中回到故乡

    the land of dream 梦乡

    translate a dream into action 化梦想为行动

    Utopian dream 乌托邦式的梦想

    梦,梦想,幻想 Dream

    a day/waking dream 白日梦

    a prophetic dream 预兆性的梦

    a shadowy dream 渺茫的梦想

    an evil dream 噩梦

    an ominous dream 不祥的梦

    American Dream 美国梦

    awake from a dream 从梦中醒来

    be disturbed by a fearful/horrible/terrible dream 被噩梦所扰

    be/live/go about in a dream 梦一样地过日子

    cherish the dream of 抱有……的梦想

    convert one's dreams into reality 把梦想变为现实

    dream about a person 梦见某人

    dream away one's life 虚度一生

    dream away/out one's time 在空想中虚度光阴

    dream beautiful and happy dreams 做幸福的美梦

    dream of becoming a diplomat 梦想当一名外交家

    dream of one's future 向往未来

    expound/interpret dream 释梦,圆梦

    fulfil/realize one's dream 实现梦想

    have a curious dream 做一个奇怪的梦

    have a dream about 梦见

    have a ghastly dream 做一个恐怖的梦

    have an awful dream 做一个可怕的梦

    have dreams of wealth and happiness 梦想财富和幸福

    have wild dreams 胡思乱想

    pipe dream 白日梦,幻想,幻觉

    return in dreams to one's homeland 在梦中回到故乡

    the land of dream 梦乡

    translate a dream into action 化梦想为行动

    Utopian dream 乌托邦式的梦想

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