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  • 遗憾是一种情感体验,通常发生在人们认为自己未能实现某个期望或未能抓住某个机会时。它是一种对过去行为或决策的反思,可能会伴随着后悔、失望或悲伤的情绪。遗憾可以是对个人行为的反思,也可以是对未能实现的目标或未能抓住的机会的反思。它是一种普遍的人类情感,几乎每个人在生活中的某个时刻都会体验到。


    • Regret: 遗憾
    • Remorse: 悔恨
    • Disappointment: 失望
    • Sadness: 悲伤
    • Frustration: 挫败
    • Grief: 悲痛
    • Wistfulness: 渴望
    • Mistake: 错误
    • Opportunity: 机会
    • Decision: 决定
    • Missed chance: 错失的机会
    • What if: 如果...会怎样
    • Should have: 本应该
    • Could have: 本可以
    • Would have: 本会


    1. "I regret not studying harder for the exam." - 我后悔没有更努力地学习考试。 2. "She felt a deep sense of remorse for not attending her friend's birthday party." - 她为没有参加朋友的生日派对感到深深的悔恨。 3. "He was filled with disappointment when he didn't get the job." - 当他没有得到那份工作时,他感到非常失望。 4. "The sadness of missing out on the trip was overwhelming." - 错过旅行的悲伤是压倒性的。 5. "She felt frustrated because she couldn't go to the concert." - 她感到挫败,因为她不能去听音乐会。 6. "Grief over the loss of a loved one is a natural part of life." - 对失去亲人的悲痛是生活中自然的一部分。 7. "I often think about what could have been if I had taken a different path." - 我经常思考如果我选择了不同的道路,可能会怎样。 8. "He wished he had spent more time with his grandparents before they passed away." - 他希望在祖父母去世前能多花些时间陪伴他们。 9. "She was filled with wistfulness for the days when she was younger and more carefree." - 她对年轻无忧无虑的日子充满了渴望。 10. "The missed chance to travel abroad was a source of regret for many years." - 错过出国旅行的机会多年来一直是遗憾的来源。   11. "I should have listened to my parents' advice." - 我本应该听从父母的建议。 12. "He could have been more prepared for the interview." - 他本可以为面试做更多的准备。 13. "She would have been happier if she had chosen a different career path." - 如果她选择了不同的职业道路,她会更快乐。 14. "I regret not taking the opportunity to study abroad." - 我后悔没有抓住去国外学习的机会。 15. "He felt a sense of remorse for not being there for his friend when they needed him." - 他为在朋友需要时没有在他们身边感到悔恨。 16. "The sadness of not being able to say goodbye was overwhelming." - 无法说再见的悲伤是压倒性的。 17. "She felt frustrated because she couldn't go to the concert." - 她感到挫败,因为她不能去听音乐会。 18. "Grief over the loss of a loved one is a natural part of life." - 对失去亲人的悲痛是生活中自然的一部分。 19. "I often think about what could have been if I had taken a different path." - 我经常思考如果我选择了不同的道路,可能会怎样。 20. "He wished he had spent more time with his grandparents before they passed away." - 他希望在祖父母去世前能多花些时间陪伴他们。   21. "She was filled with wistfulness for the days when she was younger and more carefree." - 她对年轻无忧无虑的日子充满了渴望。 22. "The missed chance to travel abroad was a source of regret for many years." - 错过出国旅行的机会多年来一直是遗憾的来源。 23. "I should have listened to my parents' advice." - 我本应该听从父母的建议。 24. "He could have been more prepared for the interview." - 他本可以为面试做更多的准备。 25. "She would have been happier if she had chosen a different career path." - 如果她选择了不同的职业道路,她会更快乐。   26. "I regret not taking the opportunity to study abroad." - 我后悔没有抓住去国外学习的机会。 27. "He felt a sense of remorse for not being there for his friend when they needed him." - 他为在朋友需要时没有在他们身边感到悔恨。 28. "The sadness of not being able to say goodbye was overwhelming." - 无法说再见的悲伤是压倒性的。 29. "She felt frustrated because she couldn't go to the concert." - 她感到挫败,因为她不能去听音乐会。 30. "Grief over the loss of a loved one is a natural part of life." - 对失去亲人的悲痛是生活中自然的一部分。   31. "I often think about what could have been if I had taken a different path." - 我经常思考如果我选择了不同的道路,可能会怎样。 32. "He wished he had spent more time with his grandparents before they passed away." - 他希望在祖父母去世前能多花些时间陪伴他们。 33. "She was filled with wistfulness for the days when she was younger and more carefree." - 她对年轻无忧无虑的日子充满了渴望。 34. "The missed chance to travel abroad was a source of regret for many years." - 错过出国旅行的机会多年来一直是遗憾的来源。 35. "I should have listened to my parents' advice." - 我本应该听从父母的建议。   36. "He could have been more prepared for the interview." - 他本可以为面试做更多的准备。 37. "She would have been happier if she had chosen a different career path." - 如果她选择了不同的职业道路,她会更快乐。 38. "I regret not taking the opportunity to study abroad." - 我后悔没有抓住去国外学习的机会。 39. "He felt a sense of remorse for not being there for his friend when they needed him." - 他为在朋友需要时没有在他们身边感到悔恨。 40. "The sadness of not being able to say goodbye was overwhelming." - 无法说再见的悲伤是压倒性的。   41. "She felt frustrated because she couldn't go to the concert." - 她感到挫败,因为她不能去听音乐会。 42. "Grief over the loss of a loved one is a natural part of life." - 对失去亲人的悲痛是生活中自然的一部分。 43. "I often think about what could have been if I had taken a different path." - 我经常思考如果我选择了不同的道路,可能会怎样。 44. "He wished he had spent more time with his grandparents before they passed away." - 他希望在祖父母去世前能多花些时间陪伴他们。 45. "She was filled with wistfulness for the days when she was younger and more carefree." - 她对年轻无忧无虑的日子充满了渴望。   46. "The missed chance to travel abroad was a source of regret for many years." - 错过出国旅行的机会多年来一直是遗憾的来源。 47. "I should have listened to my parents' advice." - 我本应该听从父母的建议。 48. "He could have been more prepared for the interview." - 他本可以为面试做更多的准备。 49. "She would have been happier if she had chosen a different career path." - 如果她选择了不同的职业道路,她会更快乐。 50. "I regret not taking the opportunity to study abroad." - 我后悔没有抓住去国外学习的机会。   这些句子涵盖了从个人经历到职业选择,再到人际关系的各种遗憾情境,反映了遗憾这一情感的普遍性和多样性。