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  • 偶遇,通常指的是在不经意间、没有预先安排的情况下遇见某人或某物。它是一种意外而又充满惊喜的相遇,常常给人们带来新鲜感和愉悦的情绪。偶遇可以发生在任何地点,如街头、公园、图书馆,甚至是网络上。它可能是和老朋友的不期而遇,也可能是和新朋友的初次见面。


    1. Chance encounter:指不经意间的相遇,通常用于形容没有计划的、偶然的邂逅。
    2. Happen upon:字面意思是“偶然发现”,也可以用于形容偶然遇到某人或某事。
    3. Run into:非正式用语,意味着在不经意间遇到某人,有时也指无意中撞见。
    4. Bump into:与run into类似,也是非正式用语,强调偶然性和意外性。
    5. Come across:指偶然遇见或发现某人或某物,强调的是遭遇的过程和结果。


    1. “I had a chance encounter with an old friend at the airport.” 我在机场偶遇了一位老朋友。

    2. “Serendipity brought us together in this quaint little coffee shop.” 我们在这家古色古香的小咖啡馆里意外相遇。

    3. “It was a pleasant coincidence running into you here.” 在这里偶遇你真是太巧了。

    4. “Our unexpected meeting turned out to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” 我们的意外相遇竟然成为了一段美好友谊的开始。

    英语作文《A Chance Encounter》:A Chance Encounter

    One sunny afternoon, as I was walking through the city park, I had a chance encounter that changed my perspective on life. It was a serendipitous meeting with a stranger who, in just a short conversation, left a profound impact on me.

    The park was bustling with people enjoying their day off, but my eyes were drawn to an elderly man sitting alone on a bench, feeding pigeons. I sat down beside him and we started chatting about the weather, the park, and life in general. He had a gentle demeanor and a twinkle in his eyes that made me feel at ease.

    As our conversation deepened, he shared his life story with me. He had traveled the world, experienced different cultures, and faced many challenges. Yet, through it all, he maintained a positive outlook on life. He believed that every encounter, whether planned or accidental, had its purpose and could teach us something valuable.

    Our chance encounter was brief, but it left an indelible mark on my heart. The old man’s wisdom and optimism inspired me to look at life with fresh eyes. From then on, I started to appreciate the beauty of unexpected meetings and the lessons they bring.

    Now, whenever I walk through the park, I keep an open mind and a readiness to embrace whatever chance encounters may come my way. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes, a simple conversation with a stranger can change your life.






