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  • 在小升初英语作文中描述一次你和朋友一起完成的项目或活动,你需要包括以下几个部分:
    1. 开头:简短介绍你要写的项目或活动。
    2. 主体第一段:描述你和你的朋友是如何准备这个项目的。
    3. 主体第二段:详细描述你们进行项目的过程。
    4. 主体第三段:写出项目的结果和你们的感受。
    5. 结尾:总结你的经验和教训。


    范文1:Our School Science Fair

    Last year, my friend Tom and I participated in our school's science fair. We decided to do an experiment about the growth of plants under different conditions.

    Firstly, we prepared three pots of soil and planted the same type of seeds in each one. Then, we watered them with different amounts of water, put them in different locations, and observed their growth over a period of two weeks.

    During the process, we encountered some challenges. For example, one of the plants was not growing as fast as the others. We had to adjust our observation plan and make sure to record every detail.

    Finally, our hard work paid off. The plant that received moderate water and was placed in a sunny spot grew the healthiest. We presented our findings at the science fair and received positive feedback from our teachers and classmates.

    This experience taught us the importance of teamwork and patience. It was a great project that brought Tom and me closer together.

    去年,我和我的朋友汤姆参加了我们学校的科学博览会。我们决定做一个关于不同条件下植物生长的实验。   首先,我们准备了三个花盆的土壤,并在每个里面种上相同种类的种子。然后,我们用不同量的水浇灌它们,将它们放置在不同的位置,并在两周的时间里观察它们的生长。   在这个过程中,我们遇到了一些挑战。例如,其中一株植物的增长速度没有其他植物快。我们不得不调整我们的观察计划,并确保记录每一个细节。   最终,我们的努力得到了回报。得到适量水分和阳光的那个植物长得最健康。我们在科学博览会上展示了我们的发现,并从老师和同学们那里收到了积极的反馈。   这次经历教会了我们团队合作和耐心的重要性。这是一个伟大的项目,它让汤姆和我更加亲近。

    范文2:Our Community Clean-up Project

    Last summer, my friends and I initiated a community clean-up project. We aimed to make our neighborhood a cleaner and more pleasant place to live in.

    We started by planning the project and dividing tasks among us. Some of us were responsible for collecting trash bags and gloves, while others were in charge of spreading the word and inviting more people to join.

    On the day of the project, we woke up early and gathered at the community center. Everyone was enthusiastic and ready to start cleaning. We divided into groups and covered different areas of the neighborhood. It was hard work, but we enjoyed it and felt a sense of accomplishment as we saw the piles of trash bags growing.

    In the end, we collected dozens of bags of trash and made our community much cleaner. We also gained the appreciation and respect from our neighbors. This project not only improved our environment but also strengthened our friendship and sense of responsibility.

    These two examples show how to structure a narrative essay about a project or activity you completed with friends, including preparation, execution, results, and reflections. You can modify the content based on your own experience.

    去年夏天,我和我的一些朋友发起了一个社区清洁项目。我们的目标是让我们的社区变得更干净、更宜居。   首先,我们开始规划项目并分配任务。我们中的一些人负责收集垃圾袋和手套,而另一些人则负责传播消息和邀请更多的人加入。   在项目的当天,我们一大早就起床并在社区中心集合。每个人都充满热情,准备开始清理工作。我们分成小组,覆盖了社区的不同区域。虽然工作很辛苦,但当我们看到垃圾袋堆越来越多时,我们感到了一种成就感,并且非常享受这个过程。   最后,我们收集了几十袋垃圾,使我们的社区变得更加干净。我们也赢得了邻居们的赞赏和尊重。这个项目不仅改善了我们的环境,还增强了我们的友谊和责任感。   这两个例子展示了如何构建一篇关于你和朋友一起完成的项目或活动的叙事性文章,包括准备、执行、结果和反思。你可以根据你自己的经历修改内容。