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as plain as the nose on one's face 一目了然


as plain as the nose on one's face 一目了然

【例句】It is as plain and clear as the nose on the human face that God was not only a master architect, but also a master sculptor. 【误解】上帝不仅是一名卓越的建筑师,还是一位优秀雕刻家,这就跟人的脸上长着鼻子一样地清楚明白。 【正确】上帝不仅是卓越的建筑师,还是优秀的雕刻家,这一点尽人皆知。 【说明】人的五官中鼻子最突出,所以人们用as plain as the nose on one's face来比喻“一目了然”或“再清楚不过了”。值得注意的是,这个短语常含有责备对方无知的意思,所以使用起来一定要慎重。

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