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I don't buy it可不是我不买


I don't buy it可不是我不买

buy有很多种表达,我们来一个个学吧! I don't buy it 我不认同 Have you read his proposal? -Yes, but actually I don't buy it. 你看到他计划书了吗? 看了,但是我不太认同 不想买就可以说“I don't want to buy sth”,如果像上面这样说不认同人家,就有种挑衅的意味了 买某个物件时,直接用buy+物就行 buy at 以某特殊价格买 My goal is to buy the ticket at 380 and sell at 1000. I don't buy it! 我想以380的价格买进门票,然后1000高价卖出去 我不认可你这想法!! buy in 1) 商业投资,大宗买入 I will not buy in this new company. 我不会在这家新公司投钱的 2)认可;相信(某人) Obviously his boss doesn't buy in him because of his limited English level. 很显然,他的老板不认可他,因为他英语太差了

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