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Mental health of children staying behind coachs

Children staying behind is to point to parents to be versed in for a long time in nonlocal Wu, children stays for a long time in the country or home town is taken care of by grandfather grandma or other relative. This kind of special family situation creates problem of mental health of children staying behind easily. How to help children staying behind build healthy psychology, make the central point that the society pays close attention to.

Above all, the psychological characteristic that understands children staying behind and problem are very important. Because lack parental care and education, children staying behind is easy generation loneliness, angst, self-abased, depend on wait for psychological problem. Their human truck capacity and ego adjustment ability are relative also weaker.

Be aimed at the psychological characteristic of children staying behind, Mental health coachsBecome particularly important. Mental health coachs is the psychological interpose measure that adopts major, help children staying behind establish correct philosophy, viewpoint of value, solve psychological problem, promote mental health the standard, make they can get used to the life, study and human association better.

In the process that undertakes mental health coachs, family, school and society are producing main effect. The family is child affective breeding ground, the parent needs to pay close attention to affection demand of the child, give care and support; The school can begin mental health education, create psychological advisory room, develop professional counsellor team; The society can advocate care children staying behind, develop activity of relevant mental health commonweal, build good social atmosphere.

In addition, guide children staying behind to take an active part in extracurricular activity, extend interest interest, also be the efficient way that promotes development of its mental health. The extracurricular activity such as artistic, sports, handiwork can abound the life of children staying behind not only, still can foster its self-confident heart and group collaboration spirit.

Anyhow, mental health of children staying behind coachs the joint efforts that needs family, school, society and professional orgnaization. Pass comprehensive mental health guidance and care, help children staying behind establish positive life attitude, enhance psychology to get used to ability, promote its thereby overall health grows.

Thank you to read this article, hope you arrived how to help children staying behind establish the value of healthy psychology through article understanding, to staying behind children mental health coachs had more thorough knowledge.
