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1. 查阅相机说明书或官方网站,了解相机所需电池型号和规格。

2. 在购买电池前,确保了解自己相机的功率消耗情况,以便挑选到符合需求的电池。

3. 选择正规渠道购买电池,避免购买劣质、假冒伪劣产品,造成损失甚至安全隐患。

4. 考虑备用电池的数量,以备长时间拍摄或旅行使用。

5. 在购买电池时,留意电池的品牌、生产日期和保质期等信息,确保购买到的电池质量有保障。


1. 注意防潮防水,避免电池浸泡于水中。

2. 避免高温和低温环境,尽量在室温下存放和使用电池。

3. 定期清洁电池接点,保持电池与相机的良好接触。

4. 若长时间不使用电池,建议储存前先充满电,并在阴凉干燥的环境中存放。






Regard photography as lover or professional cameraman, the batteries that the choose and buy suits him camera is crucial. To Aolinbasi for digital camera user, choose appropriate batteries to matter to filmed stability and endurance not only, still matter to the service life of camera and security. The article will introduce in detail for you how the batteries that the choose and buy suits camera of number of Ao Lin Ba Si, help you use your watch for an opportunity better.

Digital camera batteries sees Aolinbasi without exception

The batteries sort that digital camera uses Aolinbasi is various, but the commonnest is lithium ion batteries and nickel hydrogen batteries. Among them, lithium ion batteries because its are high energy density, deft, got apply extensively without the characteristic such as memory effect. It is used in camera not only, apply extensively still in the electronic product such as computer of mobile phone, notebook.

How the Aolinbasi that the choose and buy suits digital camera batteries

1.Consult camera manual or official website, understanding camera place needs cell type and norms.

2.Before buying batteries, ensure the power wear out condition that knows him watch for a chance, so that choose,arrive the batteries that accords with demand.

3.Choose normal channel to buy batteries, avoid to buy inferior, fake product, cause a loss safe even hidden trouble.

4.The consideration reserves the amount of batteries, use with film for long fully or travelling.

5.When buying batteries, the information such as date of the brand of advertent batteries, birth and expiration period, ensure the batteries quality that buys has safeguard.

Batteries of camera of number of Ao Lin Ba Si maintains

1.The attention is moistureproof and waterproof, avoid batteries to immerse Yu Shuizhong.

2.Avoid high temperature and microtherm environment, be deposited below room temperature as far as possible and use cell.

3.Contact of fixed and clean batteries, maintain the good contact of batteries and camera.

4.If do not use cell for long, suggest to report is filled first before storing, deposit in shady and cool and dry environment.


The batteries that the choose and buy suits camera of number of Ao Lin Ba Si is the important segment in photography process. Choose correctly and maintain can ensure the stability of camera and dependability, prolong the service life of camera. Hope the proposal of the article can be helped you choose better and use the cell that suits camera of number of Ba Si of your Ao Lin.

Thank you to read the article, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

