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1. 积极心态


2. 对他人的关爱


3. 满足与知足


4. 积极向上


5. 慷慨分享


6. 心怀感激


7. 随时感恩





1.Active state of mind

The person that be thankful often has active and hopeful state of mind, they are known the business that is worth to appreciate is sought in the life, although face challenge and difficulty, also can optimistic the manner with adamancy.

2.To the care of other

The person that be thankful can care more and the person beside care, they are known cherish the close affection beside and friendship, be willing to listen attentively to other, care the feeling of other, be happy to provide a help.

3.Contented with content with one's lot

The person that be thankful knows the resource that is satisfied at showing to some lives and be had, won't seek creature comfort overly, know Chang Le of content with one's lot, be full of contented feeling and happy feeling to the life.

4.Active up

The person that be thankful always is positive up, they are brave in to meet a challenge, enterprising, not Wei is hard, confident to future, all sorts of difficulty in work of hopeful face opposite.

5.Generosity is shared

The person that be thankful wants the resource that generosity shares him and time, be happy to help another person, be willing to make contribution for the society, feel from the heart joy is mixed contented.

6.Cherish is appreciated

The person hour that be thankful cherishs appreciative heart, appreciate all happiness that the life gifts, appreciate the help of other and care, appreciate a bit happiness in the life from the heart.

7.Be thankful at any time

The person that be thankful is thankful when get a benefit or be helped not only, still can learn the bagatelle from inside daily life to be thankful, each in clear life fine point is worth us to be thankful.

Be thankful is a kind of goodness, a person that be thankful often can have more positive life attitude, richer affection experiences, with broader breadth of mind. Let us cherish the heart that be thankful, value eye forefathers and thing, be thankful a bit of the life, everything in taking the state of mind that be thankful to face the life.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can make you deeper and geographical solve to be thankful through the article meeting some feels the person of the life and behavior, also hope to be able to bring a few helps to you.

上一篇:江西财经大学 - 世界一流大学的崛起英文双语对照