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山东科技大学(Shandong University of Science and Technology)是中国山东省省属重点大学,位于中国历史文化名城青岛。















University of Shandong science and technology

University of Shandong science and technology (Shandong University Of Science And Technology) it is Chinese Shandong province province belongs to key university, be located in Qingdao of famous city of Chinese history culture.

University of Shandong science and technology is founded 1951, it is province of Ministry of Education, Shandong and Qingdao city build a college in all. The school covers an area of an area to make an appointment with 2395 mus, have good managerial condition and learning environment.

The school sets institute of 18 2 class and graduate school, enclothe labour to learn, the many course class such as a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, literature, economics, canal, law, art, offer all-around course alternative for the student.

Managerial characteristic

University of Shandong science and technology devotes oneself to education application model, innovation talent. The school underlines integration of theory with practice, pay attention to a student to move hand ability and the education that use capacity actually.

The school and company cooperation are close, begin produce learn to grind deepness cooperates, offer more exercitation and obtain employment opportunity for the student. The school is with effective demand oriented, education accords with the high quality talent of market demand.

In field of innovation poineering education, the school introduced interdisciplinary innovation to do poineering work educational mode, encourage a student to innovate independently, develop innovation spirit of the student and practice ability.

International communication and collaboration

University of Shandong science and technology pays attention to international collaboration and communication, the international collaboration project that develops a variety of forms such as exchange of communication of cooperative education, persons qualified to teach, student actively with the college of world each country.

The famous university of the many countries such as the school and United States, Australia, Germany established cooperative relationship, provided capacious international communication platform for the student. The school still invites international famous learned man comes school discourse on an academic subject, drive academic communication.

Campus culture is built

The aspect is built in campus culture, university of Shandong science and technology is advocated " solidarity, be realistic, innovation, act vigorously is entered " school example spirit, formed active up campus culture atmosphere.

The school pays attention to a student to develop in the round, carry the culture activity of rich and colorful and mass organizations organization, encourage a student to participate in social practice and commonweal activity, foster group consciousness of the student and social sense of responsibility.

Thank you to read the article about university of Shandong science and technology, this article can help rare decayed you understand university of Shandong science and technology better, if you have fun at to this school, also welcome you to understand deep further.

