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如何选择适合自己的宠物猫 | 宠物猫的养护技巧和常见问题解决英文双语对照


如何选择适合自己的宠物猫 | 宠物猫的养护技巧和常见问题解决英文双语对照












The choice suits his pet cat

Pet cat is the indispensable one part in a lot of life work. When choosing pet cat, what need a consideration above all is his lifestyle and domestic situation. If there is a child in the home, choose disposition with respect to need docile and the feline Mi that gets along easily is phyletic, for instanceBritish undercoat catOrCloth idol catEtc.

Additional, if you have special love to the appearance of feline Mi, also can choose the feline Mi of the appearance kind that oneself like, for instancePersia catlong hair and high temperament, orXian collect catelegant figure.

The conserve skill of pet cat

In the process of conserve pet cat, the most important is to be feline Mi to undertake drive bug and vaccinal have an inoculation regularly. In addition, bathe for feline Mi regularly, combing hair also is very necessary.

Also need pays close attention to the food of feline Mi mainly, want to choose to suit the food of feline Mi breed and age, and time feed, the dietary nutrition that assures feline Mi is balanced.

Finally, mi of fixed belt cat goes over there vet check-up, discover in time and solve the healthy problem of feline Mi.

Common problem is solved

The very much novice that raise a cat can encounter a few common problems, for instance feline Mi does not love to have a meal, long when loneliness easy angst. To these problems, raise the host with seasoned cat people also summed up a few experience to share. For example, the respect takes food in feline Mi, the toy prescind force that can try to add grass of a few cats to perhaps like with Mi of a few cats. In respect of feline Mi alone angst, can consider to offer a few appropriate spouses to feline Mi, introduce the kitten that is the same as sort only for instance, make them mutual accompany.

The hope passes the introduction of the article, let a reader how understanding chooses and take care of pet cat better, allow pet cat and host people can go up too happy and happy life. Thank you read!

