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  • 季节特性:根据不同季节选择适合的玻璃水,夏季可选择清洁效果好的,冬季则需要具有防冻功能的玻璃水。
  • 清洁效果:选择具有清洁效果好、去除污垢彻底的玻璃水,避免在行车时因玻璃水清洁效果不佳而影响驾驶安全。
  • 防冻性能:如居住地气温较低,选择具有防冻功能的玻璃水,以免在寒冷的天气下玻璃水结冰影响视线。



  • 适量使用:在加满清水的情况下,按照玻璃水瓶上的稀释比例将玻璃水倒入水箱,不要过量使用。
  • 避免混用:不同品牌、型号的玻璃水成分可能不同,避免混用不同品牌的玻璃水,以免发生化学反应影响使用效果。
  • 定期更换:玻璃水也需要定期更换,避免因为玻璃水变质而影响使用效果,一般建议每季度更换一次。




Choose suitable automobile glass water

Automobile glass water is a kind of blame often sees and main automobile articles for use, it not only OK and clean windshield, still can raise eye shot, enhance security of drive a vehicle. When choosing automobile glass water, need considers the following:

  • Season is characteristic: Choose suitable vitreous water according to different season, the summer can choose clean effect good, winter needs to have the vitreous water of prevent frostbite function.
  • Clean effect: The choice has clean effect the vitreous water with complete bilge of good, purify, avoid to because vitreous water is clean,be in when drive a vehicle the effect not beautiful and the influence drives safe.
  • Prevent frostbite function: If air temperature of house dwelling place is inferior, the choice has the vitreous water of prevent frostbite function, lest below cold weather vitreous water freezes,affect the line of vision.

Use automobile glass water correctly

Use automobile glass water correctly to be able to improve use result not only, return the service life that can prolong windshield:

  • Right amount use: In Jia Manqing the circumstance of water falls, the attenuant scale that goes up according to carafe enters vitreous water water tank, do not want excessive to use.
  • Avoid to mix with: The vitreous water composition of different brand, model may be different, avoid to mix the vitreous water that uses different brand, lest send unripe chemical response,the influence uses the effect.
  • Change regularly: Vitreous water also needs to change regularly, avoid to deteriorate because of vitreous water and affect use result, suggest every quarter changes commonly.

Choose correctly and use automobile glass water, can enhance security of drive a vehicle not only, still can protect windshield, prolong service life. The hope can help everybody choose to mix better through this article water of use automobile glass.

Thank you to read this article, the hope can provide a few helps about automobile glass water for you.

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