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  • 历史悠久:中国文化起源于华夏文明,可以追溯至距今5000年前的新石器时代。
  • 多元融合:中国传统文化融合了多个民族的智慧,形成了丰富多彩的文化体系。
  • 崇尚和谐:中国传统文化强调人与自然、人与社会、人与自身之间的和谐关系。
  • 注重礼仪:礼仪在中国传统文化中占据重要地位,代表着人际关系的和谐、敬慎和自律。



  • 仁爱:强调仁爱之心,提倡宽容与关爱。
  • 礼仪:重视礼节之道,崇尚礼乐文明。
  • 孝道:强调子女对父母的尊敬与孝顺。
  • 诚信:强调诚实守信,信守诺言。



  • 文化自信:传承中国传统文化有助于增强国家和人民的文化自信心。
  • 价值引领:中国传统文化中蕴含的丰富价值观可以为现代社会价值观的建设提供借鉴。
  • 人文关怀:强调仁爱、道德和人文关怀,有助于构建和谐社会。
  • 文化遗产保护:传承和弘扬中国传统文化,对于保护国家文化遗产具有重要意义。



The overview of Chinese traditional culture

Chinese traditional culture is of long standing and well established, bearing the weight of nation of an ancient name for China the bright history 5000, it is the crystallization of Chinese people wisdom and goodness. It covered a lot of aspect, include but not the many domains such as literature of be confined to, artistic, philosophy, morality, formal, traditional medicine and building.

The characteristic of Chinese traditional culture

Chinese traditional culture possesses rich historical details and culture inside information, its characteristic basically reflects in the following respects:

  • The history is long: An ancient name for China of Chinese culture traceable is civilized, can date from comes be apart from today the The Neo-lithic Age before 5000.
  • Multivariate and shirt-sleeve: Chinese traditional culture is many more shirt-sleeve ethical wisdom, formed the culture system of rich and colorful.
  • Advocate harmonious: Chinese traditional culture emphasizes person and the harmony between natural, person and society, person and oneself concerning.
  • Pay attention to formal: Formal significant position is held in Chinese traditional culture, representing the harmony of human relation, Jing Shen and self-discipline.

The core viewpoint of value of Chinese traditional culture

Chinese traditional culture accumulate containing rich core viewpoint of value, provide representative core viewpoint of value to include most among them:

  • Kindheartedness: Emphasize the heart of kindheartedness, advocate good-tempered with care.
  • Formal: Value the principle of ceremony, advocate ceremony happy civilization.
  • Filial piety path: Emphasize children the respect to parents and filial.
  • Sincere letter: Underline honest be as good as one's word, abide by a promise.

The contemporary meaning of Chinese traditional culture

Chinese traditional culture still has important real sense to contemporary society, it can provide the following inspiration for us:

  • Culture self-confidence: Inheritance China traditional culture conduces to the culture self-confidence heart that enhances country and people.
  • Value leads: In Chinese traditional culture accumulate the construction that contained rich viewpoint of value can be modern society viewpoint of value is offerred draw lessons from.
  • Humanitarian consideration: Stress kindheartedness, morality and humanitarian care, conduce to compose building harmonious society.
  • Culture bequest is protected: Inheritance and promote Chinese traditional culture, have important sense to protecting national culture heritage.

Thank you to read this article, chinese traditional culture is bearing the weight of rich history is civilized, the tradition that understands the Chinese nation to us and development have important sense, hope this piece the article can bring you the knowledge with traditional to China more thorough culture.
