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  • 壮丽风景:高山峡谷、湖光山色
  • 神奇动物:猛兽虫鱼、飞禽走兽
  • 多彩植物:奇花异草、参天大树



  • 星空奇观:星座运行、日月星辰
  • 微观世界:分子结构、生物遗传
  • 自然力量:风雨雷电、地质变迁



  • 季节变迁:春华秋实、百花争艳
  • 生死轮回:枯荣衰败、新生希望
  • 人文情怀:自然人文、生命共鸣




The language of nature

The language of nature is a mysterious and wonderful language, pass a variety of phenomena of nature and law, the mankind can feel the sound of this kind of language and sense.

In this PPT class in, we will pass the picture of rich and colorful, handpick character and vivid animation, explore the language of nature deep, let an audience appreciate the information that nature place transmits and affection.

Guide language: The sound of nature

Each inches of each biology of avery kind of, vegetation, land is worn in narrate the story of nature. PPT class will record harmonic wave imitate through sound, show nature different biologic speech and mutual communication, make the audience seems place oneself Yu Yuan only then in the brook between forest, hill.

The first part: The drawing of nature

Pass PPT tax, the gallant view that we will show nature, magical animal and the plant with many colorful appearance, arrive from snow region high mountain selva, arrive from marine coral deep forest chute, take the audience a stereo and real natural world.

  • Magnificent sight: High mountain gorge, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains
  • Magical animal: Fish of bug of beast of prey, birds and beasts
  • Colorful plant: Beautiful flowers and grass, ginseng is extremely big tree

The 2nd part: The rule of nature

Arrive from sky the element of microcosmos, nature be pregnant with is worn rich rule and regulation. PPT class wait for the physics that shows nature, chemical, geography the rule, let an audience experience the infinite wisdom of nature contain.

  • Sky marvellous spectacle: Constellation moves, the heavenly bodies
  • Microcosmos: Molecular structure, biology is genetic
  • Elements: Harships thunder, geology is transitional

The 3rd part: The affection of nature

Nature is a scientific language not only, it is a kind of affective communication more. PPT class metempsychosis of fully will off-season replace, life and death, cause the audience reflection to life, love, humanitarian consideration.

  • Season is transitional: Chun Huaqiu fact, 100 flowers are contended for colourful
  • Metempsychosis of life and death: Withered flourish decline, new student hopes
  • Humanitarian feelings: Natural person article, life is resonant

Pass this PPT tax, we hope the audience can feel the sound of nature, drawing, rule and feeling more clearly, those who arouse pair of nature is awe-stricken and have deep love for, and of opposite life awe-stricken and have deep love for.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, hope this PPT class can bring deeper to nature knowledge and experience for you.
