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北京科技大学 - 探索科技创新与人才培养的领先高校英文双语对照


北京科技大学 - 探索科技创新与人才培养的领先高校英文双语对照


北京科技大学是一所以理工科为主,工、理、管、文、经、法相结合的多科性大学,是国家 “211工程”重点支持的高校,也是 “985工程”首批支持的高校之一。学校坐落于中国首都北京,占地约903亩,校园内绿树成荫、环境幽雅。


北京科技大学拥有完善的学科体系,涵盖了自然科学、工程技术、管理学、文学、经济学、法学等多个领域。在矿业工程、材料科学与工程、地质工程等领域拥有较强的学科优势。学校秉承 “强化交叉、拓展边缘、突破国界” 的理念,鼓励学科间的交叉融合,全面提升科学研究水平。









Survey of university of Beijing science and technology

University of Beijing science and technologyBe manage so engineering course is given priority to, the much division sex that photograph of labour, manage, canal, article, classics, law combines university, it is a country " 211 projects " the college that supports mainly, also be " 985 projects " one of colleges of first support. The school is located at Chinese capital Beijing, cover an area of about 903 mus, the greenery inside campus shady, environment is quiet and tastefully laid out.

Course and research

University of Beijing science and technologyOwn perfect discipline system, covered the many fields such as a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of technology of science, project, canal, literature, economics, law. Stronger course dominant position is had in the domain such as material science and mining industry project, project, geological project. The school is held to " aggrandizement across, extend national boundaries of the brim, breakthrough " concept, encourage the alternate confluence between course, promote scientific research the standard in the round.

International collaboration and communication

The school pays attention to internationalization development, the famous college that waits for many countries with the United States, England, Australia, Germany established close cooperative relationship, begin a student to exchange project and associated research. Every year many international student and scholar come school visit learn, communication, provided the academic atmosphere of broad international view and globalization for the student.

Enrol unripe obtain employment

University of Beijing science and technologyUndergraduate students recruit students is main with " the university entrance exam " admit give priority to, at the same time the school also faces the world to recruit of all kinds student studying abroad. Obtain employment rate resides school graduate not to fall high all the time, use the welcome of person unit. The school offers obtain employment directive course, hold campus invite applications for a job to meet, the obtain employment that urges graduate actively works.

Social service and science and technology innovate

University of Beijing science and technologyServe Beijing economy construction and social progress actively, begin with numerous enterprise produce learn to grind collaboration, for industry the structure upgrades and innovation of science and technology contributes force. The school still created division of garden of science and technology, attracted many high-tech enterprise and orgnaization of research and development to enter halt, become the base of hatch of innovation of science and technology that leads the market.

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